September 3, 2024 at 2:41 pm

Young Adult Refuses To Give Up Their Room On A Family Vacation, So Their Family Bullies And Ignores Them For The Rest Of The Trip

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/Yula, Reddit/AITA

Family vacations can be a source of treasured memories, but they can also be a source of stress and conflict.

In this story, what was supposed to be a fun getaway quickly turned into a battleground when a young adult refuses to give up the room they were promised to their cousins.

Despite their attempts to advocate for their personal space, they were left feeling like an outsider on their own vacation.

Read on to find out how it all went down.

AITA for refusing to give my room to my married cousin

I was on a 1 week family vacation without my immediate family.

My dad got me a room at the hotel we were all staying, so I could have my own room.

My cousins (32F), I’ll call her Jo, her husband I’ll call him Bill & their 2 kids had the room next to mine.

The 2nd day, my cousins & I wanted to go to the beach. Jo asked if she could stay in my room because her husband & kids were disturbing her rest.

They tried to be accommodating to their cousin, but she quickly betrayed their trust.

I said ok & gave her my room card.

We were gone for like the whole day, when we returned, Jo was still in my room. She had been watching TV, she had actually rented a movie!!!

I was angry at this because it was my dad’s credit card on the billing for the room, she apologized & left.

Despite the breach, they decided to help their cousin out again.

The next day, she asked to use my room again promised not to rent a movie & I agreed.

When I returned, Bill was in my room laying on my bed. I wasn’t mad, but I also didn’t like it.

I asked them to leave that I needed to get ready since we were all going out to eat.

Then at dinner, they had a bombshell dropped on them.

We’re at the restaurant eating, joking around, having a nice time, when my aunt (Jo’s mom) [the official “adult” of the family vacay] said & I quote “you’ll be sleeping in Jo’s room with the kids so your elder sister & her husband can have some privacy”.

I honestly didn’t think she was talking to me until my uncle snapped at me asking if I was deaf. I looked around, everyone was looking at me, waiting for my “ok or yes, ma”

But I said no. The vibe of our table changed.

The family wasn’t going to accept a “no”.

My aunt basically ordered me to hand over my room card, again, I said no.

She then said it was wrong of me to expect adults to be sleeping in the same room with their kids when another child has a free room. (I’m 22 but I’m also the youngest) [sorry I’m 24].

Again, I said no & asked her to ask someone else.

At this everyone turned on me asking why I needed a room to myself, what was I doing by myself that would make me not want to share with kids.

They quickly paid the price for their refusal.

It was so uncomfortable I left.

The next day, we had plans to go to the theme park, but they all left without me.

I called my cousins, but they won’t pick up I texted & was left on read I called my dad about this & he told me not to worry he’ll handle it.

When pressure didn’t help, the family turned to bullying.

At dinner that night, I was called a snitch, that I had run to my dad when I was the one being disrespectful.

Then my aunty asked me to leave the table or give my “elder sister“ my room card.

It was like a go to your room moment, so I went to my room called my dad again & this time he told me to just change rooms to hold the peace.

They’re left wondering what they should do next.

My mom & brothers said not to, that they were looking for a free babysitter (her kids aren’t unruly half the time) but I’m not here to babysit.

Today, I was left behind again I don’t know, I’m really upset about this but I also don’t want to give in.

I’m thinking to just go home, but it’s quite expensive to change my ticket.

So 3 days left of this. 😢😢😢


You should be able to count on your family in times of trouble, not feel bullied and taken advantage of from them.

What did redditors make of all of this?

The aunt has a clear path forward here that doesn’t involve bullying her own niece.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Her family sounds like a drag anyway. They should do their own thing!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This redditor thinks they should stay strong and not cave to the pressure just because of the other adults’ immaturity.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Their family’s kids are NOT their responsibility.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Ultimately, this young adult refused to give up their comfort for their family’s selfish convenience.

Sometimes holding your ground is the best way to stay afloat.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.