October 21, 2024 at 10:49 am

Car Owner Tried to Get Her Vehicle Towed From An Auto Shop Because She Didn’t Want To Pay For The Repairs That Were Already Done

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: TikTok/@jaymanfam802

I think this lady is gonna be in for a rude awakening when it comes to her car repairs…

A man named Justin who works as a mechanic posted a video on TikTok and talked to viewers about what went down when a woman brought her Range Rover into his shop for some work.

Justin said he gave the woman a “great rate” for repairs and that he had worked on two of her other cars in the past. He was going to charge her roughly $1,500 to repair her Range Rover’s radiator and thermostat.

Source: TikTok

Justin said,  “My shop’s rates are already low. Seventy dollars an hour.”

He let the woman leave her car at his shop for free while she was out of town and, days later, a co-worker told him that a AAA tow truck was headed to the shop to tow the Range Rover away.

Justin said, “So the customer tried to have her vehicle towed out of the shop without paying for it. I invested my time, my energy, my money into the parts. Come pay for your vehicle.”

He told the woman he was going to charge her $40 for every day she didn’t pay for the repairs and he also said that he would put her on a payment plan because she said she didn’t have the money to pay him.

Justin said, “Before you get your vehicle fixed, maybe ask, ‘How much will this cost?’ Don’t get the work done if you can’t afford it.”

He also put a mechanic lien on the woman’s car, which she also refused to pay.

Source: TikTok

Justin explained, “If we reach X amount of days and we still haven’t received payment, I’m going to sell it to recover some of the money.”

The customer called the police and an officer showed up at Justin’s shop.

He said, “We as a shop can get ripped off consecutively for thousands of dollars, and law enforcement [will say] it’s a civil matter. But if a customer calls them up and says, ‘Hey, can you go make the shop give me my car back?’ The cops show up.”

Source: TikTok

Take a look at what he had to say.


#makeitmakesense #shop #thief #mechanic #scandal #dontunderstandprobablyneverwill #cantbeme Customer calls Police to get her vehicle back that she didn’t pay for after repairs completed

♬ [Raw recording] Record playback noise 01 (3 minutes) – Icy Light

Justin posted a follow-up video and gave viewers an update on what’s going on with the situation.

Check out what’s going on with this unruly customer!


#debtcollector this is one debt collector that needs to pay her own debt! #ripoff #payuporshutup #rangerover #bluecollarlife

♬ Mode Silence – Muet, Mode Silencieux, Calme, Chut Pour Iphone – Sonnerie Silencieux

Now check out how TikTokkers reacted.

This viewer weighed in.

Source: TikTok

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: TikTok

And this person spoke up.

Source: TikTok

I think she’s in for a rude awakening.

If you liked that story, check out this video about a Dollar Store cashier who has had it with customers who argue over $4 products.