October 13, 2024 at 6:21 am

Her Engagement Ring Fell Off Her Finger, But Then An Entitled Stranger Picks Up Her Engagement Ring And Refuses To Give It Back

by Heather Hall

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

There’s nothing more shocking than having a stranger feel entitled to something that clearly belongs to you.

So. what would you do if a man picked up your engagement ring in the middle of a store and refused to give it back?

This woman wasn’t sure how to react, but luckily, a third stranger saw the whole thing.

Here’s how it went down.

Entitled Ken felt entitled to my engagement ring.

A few months ago, I was doing my normal monthly grocery shopping at Wal-Mart.

I’m in the meat section, getting what my family needs and will use for the month.

I am terminally ill, so my weight fluctuates a decent bit.

Here’s where her ring slips off her finger.

My fingers swell and shrink depending on what kind of day I’m having. At this moment, my hands were as small as they’d ever get.

While putting a roast in my cart, my ring slips off and clangs it’s way through the bottom of the cart and onto the floor, where it bounced a couple of feet.

Cue Entitled Ken.

This man picks it up, but he doesn’t hand it back.

This man looks me directly in my eyes, picks it up, and puts it in his pocket.

I was shell-shocked and froze.

I mumbled a quiet thanks and asked if I could have my ring back.

He makes no move to give my ring back until an employee makes it known that she has seen the whole fiasco happen and would be calling the cops if he didn’t hand it over.

Unwillingly, he finally hands it over.

He mumbled something akin to, “I found it on the ground – it’s mine.”

He immediately handed it to me despite his protests.

Like, what in the legitimate **** made him decide that he could just take MY ring?!?!

I feel like this could have gone really badly if someone hadn’t seen.

Let’s see what the readers over at Reddit had to say about this situation.

He sure did!

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

Similar story – just different details.

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

This is so disappointing!

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

Great point.

Source: Reddit/Entitled People

That man had some nerve.

Too bad he can’t be charged with attempted theft to teach him a lesson.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.