October 24, 2024 at 9:47 am

Father Asks His Brother To Not Overshadow His Son’s Graduation By Bringing His New Girlfriend, But He Refuses And Sparks A Sibling Feud

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Canva/Khosro, Reddit/AITA

Everyone deserves a few good days in the spotlight, but some people just don’t know how let someone else have center stage.

When a father tries to keep his brother’s latest relationship from overshadowing his son’s big night, an unexpected feud unfolds.

Read on for the full story!

AITA for not inviting my brother to my son’s graduation because he made it all about his new girlfriend (again)?

I (41M) have a son, Sam (18M), who recently graduated from high school.

This was a huge milestone, and we had been planning a special family dinner to celebrate.

I was proud of him and wanted the evening to be focused on his accomplishments, as he worked so hard to get to this point.

Although, some family members tend to complicate family celebrations.

My brother, Alex (38M), has a bit of a history when it comes to family events.

Every time he gets into a new relationship, he parades his new girlfriend around, turning any occasion into “meet the girlfriend” night.

Alex has quite the history with this behavior.

It’s happened so many times that it’s become a running joke in the family, but this time, I wasn’t in the mood for distractions.

He just started dating Lisa (27F) a couple of months ago, and I knew exactly how the night would go.

The father runs through the typical scenario in his head.

Alex introducing her to everyone like she’s the main event, hogging conversations, and making it about them rather than Sam.

So, I asked him not to bring her to the dinner.

I told him it wasn’t personal, but I wanted the focus to be on Sam, not on his new relationship.

As one could guess, Alex didn’t take kindly to this.

I thought Alex would understand, but he lost it.

He called me selfish, said I was jealous because he was happy again after his divorce, and accused me of deliberately excluding him.

Then his parents took Alex’s side.

My parents, always the peacemakers, got involved and started pressuring me to let it go.

They said Alex “deserved to be happy” and that Lisa should be welcomed with open arms, especially since Alex hasn’t been in a serious relationship since his divorce.

They made me feel like I was ruining family harmony, but I stood my ground.

The father only wanted to do what was best for his son.

I wanted this night to be special for Sam, not another spectacle about Alex’s latest girlfriend.

In the end, Alex refused to come without her, so I didn’t invite him at all.

Now it feels like his whole family has turned against him.

Now, my parents are furious, saying I’m alienating my own brother over something petty, and Alex is spreading the word that I’m “punishing him for being in love.”

Sam had a great night, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve caused unnecessary drama.

Some family members agree with me, but others say I could have just let him bring her to avoid conflict.

I’m stuck wondering: was I wrong for drawing this line, or is Alex the one who’s making everything about himself yet again?


It seems like this father was only trying to do what was best for his son.

What did Reddit have to say?

The brother could have very easily chosen a different night to introduce his new girlfriend to his family.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It’s not fair that one brother has to change their ways, while the other can get away with being childish and toxic.

Source: Reddit/AITA

If his brother is always bringing a new woman around, how special can it really be?

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user can’t understand why the father’s parents aren’t on his side when he’s the one acting maturely.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Sam’s celebration may have stayed on track, but their brotherly dynamics veered way off course.

Some people just can’t stand not being the center of attention.

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