October 10, 2024 at 10:45 pm

Her Mother Created A Scene When Confronted By Her Daughter’s Childhood Trauma. Now The Daughter Is Wondering If She Was Too Harsh In Blaming Her Mom.

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

Dealing with childhood trauma can get rough but its worse when you’re healing and a love one brings it up.

That too, when they start playing the victim!

Find out how this mother ruined a family dinner for her daughter by denying her childhood traumas!

AITA for pointing out to my mother that the reason I don’t have a lot of pictures is because of the comments she made about my smile?

I (25F) and my husband, Jake (25M), got married a few days ago and just came back from our honeymoon the day before yesterday.

I’m very close with my parents even today and they’re probably the reason I’ve been able to achieve a lot of things, and I often express my gratitude regarding that.

Things were great at first and they were having a good time.

Today, we went to visit my parents because they had been insisting we should have a dinner together now that we’re officially family.

I’m an only child and none of my grandparents are there any more so it was just me, Jake, mom and dad.

Jake wanted to know more about his new wife.

After dinner, we were checking out the picture albums my parents had. Some of them were pictures of my parents when they were younger, me when I was younger and loads of pictures of the vacations we took (my dad had a camera and he loved using it).

Jack noticed that the album only had 3-4 pictures of me smiling after I reached my teenage years and commented on that asking me why I didn’t smile for pictures.

She had a lot of childhood trauma…

(I met Jack when we were 19 and at that point, I had already gotten therapy because of bullying in school and other stuff. I was a lot better and therefore, I didn’t talk too much about the previous stuff, even if I did, everything that happened with my parents were pretty small to what I faced at school so I never mentioned it or it just never stood out to me.)

He then went on to explain how much he loves my smile and my two big teeth (the two front teeth that you can see). He often commented that I looked like a bunny when I smiled and it was almost healing for me.

She hated some of her old memories.

I then mentioned that when I was 12, one of my mother’s friends made a comment about how I smile so wide, showing all of my teeth and it wasn’t pretty, just disgusting and my mother relayed it to me without adding anything else (she made no comments of agreeing or disagreeing).

I said that I remembered it throughout my teenage years and the bullying just made it worse so I was always afraid of showing my teeth when I smiled and so, I never smiled in general.

To be honest, I don’t think much of it anymore.

She has gotten over her insecurities.

I only really care about what Jack thinks and he only has positive things to say about me (at one point, I wanted to get a dental procedure done but after I started therapy, I just decided not to).

The remark wasn’t supposed to highlight my mother as the “bad guy” but it seems like that’s what it did.

Mom and dad were both there and heard it.

My mom got pretty angry at me for “making something like that up.”

Her mom wasn’t ready to admit the mistake.

I told her that it was true but she said she didn’t remember.

It’s only understandable that I remember, given how big of an impact it had on me but I’m afraid I hurt my mother.

She’s stuck between right and wrong…

We’re really close and I don’t want to strain out relationship.

My dad is going back and forth on who’s wrong, who’s right so here I am to get my verdict.

Ouch! That must have hurt…

Let’s find out what the Reddit community has to say about this story.

This user detests the idea of parents forgetting the traumas they inflicted.

Source: Reddit/AITA

That’s right! This user thinks the mother is part of the problem.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user has a good point! The other could have acted maturely.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person is only stating facts!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user shares how things were with her and her mom.

Source: Reddit/AITA

The commentators support this girl all the way!

It seems like the mother is the real issue here.

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