October 16, 2024 at 12:20 am

Her Sister Turned Out To Be A Horrible Person, So She Made Sure To Leave Her A Smelly Surprise When She Moved Out Of The Place She Rented From Her

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

It’s tough to learn that someone you’re close to is actually a creep.

But it happens to the best of us!

It happened to this woman and she decided that revenge was the best medicine for rectifying the situation.

Check out what happened!

Take advantage of hundreds of people? Have fun figuring out where that smell is coming from.

“A few years back my brother-in-law (bil) (young guy in his early 30’s) was diagnosed with cancer. Our family is pretty close, and everyone took it fairly hard.

At the time I also happened to be looking for a new place to live.

Well, my bil and sister have a few rental properties and were looking at buying another one. They asked if I would be willing to rent it if they did.

Being a single female in my early 20’s I stressed to them I probably couldn’t afford it, but if it was in my price range of course I would.

I also asked them if they should really be focusing on that right now (maybe you should take care of bil’s cancer and worry about your real estate when he’s better…)

They didn’t listen to her…

Anyways, you can’t tell them what to do at all and they bought a house anyways.

Well, they told me I could rent the basement suite for less than my max price because they know I’ll take care of it.

I agree and we go about things.

Well, as I’m moving in they bring me a lease contract to sign, but the rent is over $200 MORE than what I had told them my max price was.

I question them about it (with my stuff half moved in, naturally), and they kind of gave me the run around by saying things like ‘oh we thought it would be okay’ and ‘I guess we forgot to factor in a, b and c.’.

“Okayyyyy” I think to myself, but arguing with your bil that has cancer is extremely difficult, so I reluctantly sign (and accept my lack of social life due to my inflated rent).

Fast forward to last year; my bil is getting significantly worse and given under 3 months to live.

I made the trip to the hospital 1.5 hours away several times (as much as I could afford and often caught rides up there as well), and he looked bad.

As in, I didn’t think he’d make it another month bad.

In Canada (where we live), health care only does so much, and basically told him there was nothing left they could do for him.

Well, I did some research and found a specialized cancer treatment center in the states that gave him a shot at beating it.

This was gonna be pricey.

I asked my sister to make a few calls (knowing more than I did about his specific situation) and see if they pull take him. She told me they would, but it was far to expensive.

I asked how much and she said ‘about 75 000’.

I immediately got together with friends and family about starting to raise some money (I had also found out the they didn’t have life insurance with 2 small children and they would lose everything when bil passed away, essentially they were right SCREWED).

Now, I’m not the type of person to hold events, or generally just be social at all.

I actually have mild social anxiety and dropped out of college because of it, but I somehow managed to rally together the entire community.

They got busy.

A friend started them a go-fund-me page and gave my sister control (my sister also started a second one on youcaring).

I found a place that would give us 200 seats (free) in a bar for a fundraiser in which we could sell ticket to.

Unfortunately it was around Christmas time and the only date they had available was a last minute cancellation…. about a week and a half away.

Now I don’t know if any of you have thrown any type of event, but that’s not enough time to organize **** like that.

Somehow (and don’t ask me how because it was such a blur and I don’t think I slept at all) I managed to organize hundreds of people, find a band, sell all of our tickets, collect auction donations, create games/raffles/etc to bring in more money, get several large corporations to donate money/time/advertising, find decorations, create a slideshow, and get a ton of personal donations (over 5000 dollars) to be presented to the family because they were going through a tough time… all while working a full time job.

She wanted to make sure this was all on the level.

While planning, I became extremely concerned with the legalities and expressed that in depth to my team.

All auction items must be watched at all times, all money must be tracked, all paperwork copied and account for, etc. I also told my sister to not worry about a thing, just worry about taking care of bil.

While, she not only ‘helped’ by completely ‘forgetting’ to do everything she insisted on doing, but talking down to me and ignoring all of the important things I was trying to express (she was actually a huge ***** the entire time).

I tried to shake it off assuming she was just stressed.

A few days before the fundraiser I tried to get the treatment center info from my sister for my speech, but she kept blowing me off so I called the center myself.

The totals that my sister were asking were completely different than what the girl on the phone told me.


At the end of the conversation, the girl says “so you’re [bil’s] sister? That’s so weird! His wife called the other day and didn’t seem nearly as interested in the payment options as you are!”.

Around the same time I noticed my sister has changed to fundraising goals from 70 000 to 175 000.

I was far too busy to give it much thought at this point though.

So the day of the fundraiser my sister walks in and I say (genuinely pleased to see her) “oh awesome! You made it! Have you decided if you want to be involved at all?”

Oh, boy…

She scowls and says “I don’t even want to ******* be here.”

I’m a pretty ballsy person, and any other day I would have promptly punched her in the face and walked out, but this was for my bil, so I smiled and said “oh, I’m really sorry to hear that. Why don’t you have a seat and just relax, put all your food and drink on my bill and I’ll take care of it. We’ve got you a ride home if you want to drink, and I’ll take care of everything else for you. I love ya, [sis]”.

As MC, host and the main organizer of everything , I was running around like a chicken either my head cut off the whole night.

Her sister sounds classy…

The only times I saw my sister was sitting on other guys’ laps, complaining about her husband, bidding on auction items (how inappropriate) or telling her friends I’m a ***** (she also was a ***** to my friends and had I known that at the time I would have called it off right then and there – you do NOT mess with my friends who have supported not only me, but you through this!!)

About half way through the event, one of my team had approached me telling me a gift card had gone missing. ****.

That’s all on me. I quickly rallied everyone to help, but my sister had quickly come over and told everyone it was taken care of.

I forgot about it until my friend (that donated that gift certificate) showed up and asked about it.

I had no answer and sister was effectively evading me all night.

Where could it be…?

The next day (since the fundraiser ended up running until after 2am) I called around (to everyone except my sister) looking for the gift card.

I put about 9 people’s stories together to figure out what happened.

My sister stole the gift card. For herself. From her dying husbands fundraiser.

Then she blamed everything on me and made a bunch of wild, false accusations.

Basically, I got numerous phone calls, texts, e-mails and Facebook messages (to the point I had to shut my phone off and deactivate my facebook) telling me what an awful person I am, and how could I steal something from bil’s fundraiser and blame it on my poor sister.

Ummmmmm, what?!


This didn’t go well, either…

That’s good for my depression and anxiety.

So I called my mom, bawling, telling her I wanted to die and I don’t understand. She yelled at me and told me to apologize to my sister. (**** that – I didn’t speak to anyone in my family for over 9 months).

I had concrete evidence proving she did it.

I could have got her charged. I spent my entire vacation fund on them and didn’t even get a thank you.

My theory, that I pieced together a few weeks after, is that my sister expected bil to pass away before we could raise the money to send him for treatment, leaving her with a nice little chunk of money to take care of her stupidly expensive lifestyle (3 very expensive vehicles, 4 houses, property on a lake, a holiday trailer, quad, boat, etc).

Well, I don’t do anything halfway.

Within a few days we had raised half the money, by the end, he had enough to go (before she changed the total). Out of the 70 000 or so raised, I single handedly raised over 50 000.

Also, who leaves their dying husband as home to look after their 2 small children under 5 to go to Mexico?! A week after the fundraiser!

I decide to let herself shoot herself in the foot and just move out of the house they owned ASAP.

This happened to coincide with their cross-canada trip, and they tried to sue me!

They had no grounds to do so and I actually ended up with 50 bucks from them – HA!, but now I’m getting a little revenge.

I couldn’t bring myself to tell the entire world what they did ( though I easily could have), but I did decide to mess with them.

While I lived in the rental, I did a bunch of work on it for them for free, so there was plenty of extra paint, drywall, etc around.

This was gonna be ugly…

I looked up the most common and troubling pests in our area and how to attract them. Then I went shopping. The list included fish heads, shrimp, pest attractants, clearance meat, etc.

I left the place immaculate. Except for the rotting food in the walls.

Yup. I punched a hole in the wall, filled it up in several places, drywalled, mudded/tapped and painted over it.

I hear the place is unrentable now, and going through renovations.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This reader was impressed.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another individual had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This Reddit user chimed in.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another reader spoke up.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Do you smell something…?

These people are unbelievable.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.