October 17, 2024 at 1:33 pm

His Family Still Wanted A Relationship After They Nearly Had Him Jailed, But His Wife Made It Clear That No-Contact Was In Full Effect

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

Toxic families can ruin futures and there’s no doubting that.

It’s worse when you try your best to stay away from them but they keep coming back.

This guy’s almost criminal family kept trying to make contact when he simply wanted to stay away from them.

Find out how the wife got tangled in between!

AITA – For not bowing to my husbands family and forcing him to make nice with them

A quick summary.

My husband (29m) has been through more in life than anyone should ever have to and it all began with his biological family.

He had a rough childhood.

He was raised by his grandmother from the age of 2 because his mother was/is a meth addict who to this day thinks her needs are far more important than her children’s.

She’s had two children removed from her care as an adult and the two she got to keep have been so emotionally crippled by her obsessive coddling that they’ll probably never be functioning members of society.

Grandma did all she could but that wasn’t enough…

Since Grandma was basically a single parent to her grandson he spent a long time as a latch key kid in Stockton California.

I know she did the absolute best she did over the years, but it doesn’t mean that everything was done right.

Granted that can be said about any parent can’t it?

Fast forward to this year….we’ve of course had a lot of ups and downs with his family, but despite my better judgment we always at least tried to play nice so he could maintain an relationship with his younger siblings.

The mother never gave up on being mean.

That is until a couple years ago when his mother tried to get him to take the fall for some very illegal activities that I won’t go into too much depth because it’s still an issue.

This resulted in him 100% cutting off all contact with her and most of his family who thought he should “Get over it” and just forgive her.

The activities that she tried to get him to take the fall for could have potentially landed him in prison for about ten years but that apparently doesn’t matter.

Grandma wanted to settle things but she didn’t make the effort.

Anyways…he’s had a tense relationship with the little bit of family he was still interacting with and that came to an end ever an aunt and uncle got drunk and berated him to his face about all the perceived ways he’s a mess up so he went no contact with them as well.

Grandma tried to get into the middle of it, but when she refused to accept that the only thing he wanted was an in person face to face apology he cut her off too.

He’s just tired of being the whipping boy when they have a bad day and being expected to just get over it.

Now once again they’re in town….a cousin is getting married this weekend so grandma calls me to tell me I need to force him to interact with them.

She knows what to do!

I’m his wife not his boss so I’m not about to shove him into an interaction he doesn’t want and I told her so.

I even told her all he wanted was that apology and to be treated like an adult but that I would talk to him.

Her response….verbatim “Don’t bother. Let him pout. We’ll see you next time.” So I got mad.

And I told her that I don’t know how things are done in the place they’re from but that’s now how I was raised and clearly my parents did a better job since at least I understand basic human respect.

Grandma is being!

So now she’s blowing up my phone saying I’m an AH and that she wishes her grandson had never met me.

So am I the one in the wrong for supporting him in not wanting to talk to them or should I try to talk him into making nice?

Why can’t the family just take the hint and leave this couple alone?

Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this one.

That’s right! This user supports blocking the family out.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user would cut all ties and get rid off the bad family.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user supports the girl for standing by her husband’s choice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user blames the grandma for everything that went downhill.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user wants the couple to completely forget about this part of the family and move on.

Source: Reddit/AITA

No contact means no contact.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.