October 20, 2024 at 10:47 am

His Mother Ruined His Mental Health For Material Gains, So This Son Finally Took His Revenge By Leaving Her Homeless With Nowhere To Go

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/pexels/Timur Weber

Not everyone has an idyllic childhood, but you hate to hear that bad ones are the fault of someone’s parents.

As for this guy, his abusive mother absolutely stole his childhood.

Don’t worry, though – he got his revenge as an adult.

Check out the details!

Taking everything back

To begin with I will point out how incredibly messed up my world views on “normalcy” were as a young child because of the abuse I suffered.

Raised by a single mom.

My mother has two masters degrees (criminology and sociology) and is incredibly manipulative and intelligent (read as sociopath).

His mother was clever but also very mean.

When I was born we lived with my grandparents still (my mom was 23 at the time).

My mother wanted to continue her college education at the time and so got government assistance for childcare etc.

During this time my mother found out that if you have a special needs child your benefits allowances were more than doubled.

At about the age of 4 she began to severely mentally traumatize me, causing me to lash out in unusual ways that were not recognized by teachers and counselors at the time as being signs and symptoms of abuse.

She did everything she could to ruin his life…

At the age of 4 I was in first grade and at the time diagnosed with a condition which is no longer recognized as a mental health condition called O.D.D. (ha ha yes I’m odd).

This put me into the special needs program and this began my moms manipulation of the system via me.

I don’t really remember much of the mental abuse to this day which I take as a small blessing.

But of the physical abuse I can give a few highlights of.

At the age of 6 my mother poisoned me twice in the same day, first with cough syrup that had been expired by 10 years followed by 15 year expired syrup of ipecac.

It only gets worse…

She (being 5’10” 280 lbs) sat on me and broke several ribs when I was 7 years old.

At 9 years old I was kidnapped and assaulted by my mother’s cousin’s husband.

I was found by the cops but was forced by my mother to say nothing happened.

My mother hit me the first time with a car when I was 10 running me over while I was on roller blades.

At 12 she threw a clothing iron hitting me in the genitals.

At 13 she hit me with a van running my leg over entirely on a family vacation (my godmother paid for) to Yellowstone national park breaking my leg which didn’t get treated for two weeks until we got back home.

No one helped him!

When I got older while I knew these sorts of things weren’t right, but I didn’t question it because at school no one believed me because I was “special needs” and a “pathological liar.”

As cultivated by my mom which did stoke a lot of real rage in me which did lead to violent outbursts by me which were very not good.

I was one of those kids who got huge fast being taller then every teacher I ever had even in the first grade hitting 6′ tall by the age of 11.

My mother always cultivated a US vs THEM mindset in me with her manipulations especially in regards to my grandparents.

I had always grown up poor and my grandparents were multi millionaires who in my childish brain could of stopped a lot of pain and suffering if they only did what my mom asked and helped her the way they helped their other kids.

This is when he decided to retaliate

The beginnings of my rebellion came after I finished my second year of college when suddenly my mom could no longer work (read as didn’t want to work anymore).

She claimed she was to obese and had too many medical conditions to work and filed for social security disability.

I was still living with her at this time so she expected me to drop out of school to get a job until she could get her disability.

I refused which led to an argument where she called the police and lied to them claiming domestic violence.

I was arrested but never charged.

I of course cowed at that point knowing that if I didn’t do what she wanted I was just going to go back to jail.

He was doing well for a bit…

This is where I thank whatever god there may be in finding the perfect position where I was an “apartment manager and maintenance man.”

I got to work that job while I finished college in all my free time.

After I finished college I left to try and work in LA with my degree and after a 2 week failure I was offered a position doing the same apt management in Portland OR.

Of course the moment I got that job my mom wanted to pick up and move back in with me because she was squatting at a friends house.

Of course I knew if I didn’t do what mom said I was going to get the shaft again.

So of course I relented and she moved in with me taking up the same roles we had while I was in school.

For a time things were good.

He was finally hopeful…

I thought I could live a happy comfortable life doing what I was doing making a decent living and having loads of free time as my mother would handle all the management side of the job with accounting etc and I would do all the maintenance.

Of course things weren’t meant to be as I found out she was defrauding the owners by fudging the numbers on the accounting.

And that means if someone who’s not good with accounting could figure it out that means someone back at the property management was going to find out soon enough.

Sure enough we were lucky and only “let go” instead of charged criminally for what she had done and I could of easily been charged as an accessory.

He let her ruin things once again.

At the time I basically had become dependent on my mother.

She wanted to move to some place with a warmer climate.

We moved to a college town in eastern WA where I had been offered a job working at the school in the past.

Only this time it was a job where my mom wasn’t helping me and so I didn’t feel like she deserved any of my money.

At this point in the story her social security still hadn’t been approved.

But because my mom wasn’t getting what she wanted Fell back on her standard of claiming domestic violence and had me arrested and she left the city.

He got into more trouble.

Later I found she moved to the city I now live in at a domestic violence shelter.

I got into a terrible relationship toxic which is another story.

Anyways, at the end of that relationship I made the dumb decision to fall back on my mom who gladly took me back in because my grandparents had moved to live near her (about 45 min drive).

And she needed me to manipulate my grandparents into her next plan.

Where we live housing is very scarce and so my mother begged and pleaded and manipulated my very sick grandfather into buying a house for her and myself.

My grandmother convincing my grandfather of it because she knew the stuff my mother had put me through and knew we weren’t going to find anything.

Grandmother finally pitched in!

At the time my grandmother felt guilty because she knew she should of petitioned for custody of me when I was a kid because she knew of all the abuse and manipulations I went through and she did nothing to stop it.

She only admitted this to me this year and claims she didn’t do anything because she always believed my mom would eventually do the right thing.

Within a month of purchasing a small mobile home with suitable living spaces for me and my mom to live separate lives my grandfather passed away.

Having not been added to the will the house passed into a trust that was controlled by my grandmother.

This is when my mom began to ruin the home that my grandfather bought for us by trying to rent out the parking lot space to people with RV’s to live in and renting out the two extra rooms as well as starting up an unlicensed and un-insured doggy daycare.

The road was still bumpy.

While living there my mother finally was approved for her social security disability after having to sue for it.

And I had managed to get myself into another toxic relationship with another mentally unstable woman even going so far as to have her move in with me.

The wrongdoing (1 year ago): My now ex went psycho jealous at the end of our relationship to which she got me fired from my job.

My mother decided she didn’t need me in “her house” anymore since I had lived my purpose of getting her home.

I got my ex to file a restraining order against me essentially getting me kicked out of my own home at 11 pm.

I was even placed on a 72 hour  watch after being forced out of my house.

Grandmother decided to take action!

The plot: My grandmother finding out about what happened to me is furious beyond measure and takes me in and begins the process to try and take the property back from my mom.

During this time a lot of the illegal and other stuff my mother had put me through I tell my grandmother most of it some of which she has me report to social security causing her to lose her disability benefits.

It has been cathartic but obviously no substitute for the therapy I ultimately need.

Additionally, I start dating the only woman apart from my grandmother that actually cares about me and being able to be honest with her about everything has been helpful and part of why I’m writing this.

He had a little more support!

My best friend being the other part of the reason I’m posting this and the only reason I’ve found such a wonderful woman to date (Morpheus if it weren’t for you I’d be crazier or dead by now).

My grandmother ends up with a final trial date set for today with much of the legal stuff and a week before today I realize I never told my grandmother that the car my mom has been driving around for the last year is my car and is titled and registered in my name.

So my grandmother at this point goes into overdrive speaking with her lawyer on the legalities of everything.

She goes with me down to the courthouse and pays for a duplicate title and registration.

We take those down to a dealership where they cut a key that matches the VIN number.


The revenge: Grandmother has her day in court and everything goes her way and Grandmother is going to get her house back so that I can move back in the house my grandfather bought for me.

But we know that my mom is showing up in my car.

So before the judge dismisses the parties I let myself out of the courtroom and walk outside and sure enough there is my car with the windows down and doors unlocked.

I open the door sit down put the key in and… tragedy.. the key wont turn in the ignition.

So when my grandmother and girlfriend walk out of the courthouse I quickly wave them over and say the key wasn’t cut properly so I send them back to the dealership while I sit in the car.

He knew she was going to act out!

This of course couldn’t end without some kind of conflict.

My mother comes out of the courthouse seeing me sitting in the car and comes to curse me out and tell me to get out of her car.

She calls over a sheriff who happens to be nearby and proceeds to get him to try and arrest me.

I calmly show the officer the registration to the vehicle showing its mine the officer tries to explain that there is nothing he can do as the car is registered, titled, and insured in my name but she continues to whine to which the officer has none of it and walks away.

My mother gets the brilliant idea to call my ex and have my ex come down because I have to stay X number of feet away from her.

So I call the local non emergency line for dispatch and explain the situation of what my mothers plan is to try and force me out of my car.

The cops got involved.

Local PD shows up 4 units (because hey we live in a small boring town) and I have to re-explain how I’m trying to take my car.

I sent my grandmother to get the key re-cut and I’m being harassed and my ex is coming to try and harass me by getting me arrested on violation of the restraining order.

Ex pulls up while I’m talking to the police and they arrest her on the spot for harassment and violation of the order of protection (apparently it’s felony harassment to use your order of protection to harass the person the order is against).

I tell my mom she can have anything out of the car she wants because nothing in the car is mine. She uses a large black trash bag that was in the back to take as much as she can.

And the wait finally ends!

Finally grandmother gets back with girlfriend and the new re-cut key works perfectly.

I drive off with my car and park it in grandmothers garage in case my mother decides to come back and try and take it back for herself until I can sell the car.

My mother sitting in front of the courthouse holding onto a black trash bag of everything she owns crying her eyes out, homeless, without a car and without income.

This guy went through a lot because of his mother!

How can someone do that to their own child?

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one.

This user has a petty suggestion to get back at the mother.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

That’s right! The mother deserved that!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user knows the grandma saved the day.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

True. This person believes the mother got away!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This person can’t read any further!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

The hatred is mutual!

If only the mother didn’t use his son for material gains, none of this would have happened!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.