October 4, 2024 at 12:48 am

His Sister Kept Pranking Him By Posting Silly Things From His Facebook Account, So He Got Her Back By Putting Some Funny Bumper Stickers On Her SUV

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Family pranks can be a fun way to tease each other and have a few laughs.

What happens when your sister thinks that one of your pranks went way too far and she flips out about it?

That is what the brother in this story experienced, but he doesn’t regret his actions one bit.

Check it out.

“Hack” my facebook once, I’ll laugh along… a second time, and I get petty. Major family blowup follows.

This is the story of how my petty revenge against my sister led to her disowning me for almost a year.

Long, but worth it. Trust me.

About 7 years ago I was the only one of my siblings still living close to my parents.

I would visit them frequently to hang out, watch shows, football, etc.

There was a laptop there that they rarely if ever used, so I would often browse the internet and facebook on it.

Once on a holiday when the whole fam was in town, my sisters got on the laptop and found it was still logged into my facebook.

Just a harmless prank, well played sister.

So, they make a post designed to embarass me.

Something along the lines of “Saturday morning: Bieber, scones, appletinis. Perfect day!”.

Honestly, it was pretty funny.

I had no ill will. I can take a joke.

Fast forward another 6-8 months.

Everyone is back for another holiday.

Now, I suppose you could fault me for leaving the laptop logged in, but it’s not like the laptop is ever out in public.

Honestly, it is still kind of funny. No harm done.

And I figured the joke was done once already, what would the point in messing with my facebook again be?

Apparently the point was just to mess with me, because my sister pulled the same stunt.

When I found out, I told her there would be some kind of retaliation.

And I started thinking about what it should be.

First, a little back info on my sister.

She has some nice qualities, but she can be very mean.

I have many stories, but I’ll share a choice one.

My dad has really nice season football tickets that he frequently shares with friends/family.

This day he brought my sister, my aunt, a co-worker, the co-worker’s daughter-in-law, and myself to a 1 vs 2 matchup vs a rival team.

The DIL just so happened to be a fan of the rival, and they won in overtime.

Now, the DIL made a couple of very light-hearted jabs at us.

Nothing mean-spirited. Just typical friendly joking.

It is clear this sister can be overdramatic.

Nobody had a problem with it… except my sister.

As we start driving home, my sister blurts out “Well, I don’t think we should invite fans of the other team any more”. With the girl in the car, obliviously listening.

Awkward silence followed.

First of all, they weren’t even her tickets and its not her place to decide who gets invited or doesn’t.

And now she’s making this poor girl feel bad and unwanted just because she’s too stuck-up to take a little joke?

Anyway apologies were made in private, but I’ll never forget how rude that was.

The revenge: That’s really just the tip of the iceberg with her.

So I started planning my revenge, and one thing I knew about my sister was that she was very vain about her vehicle.

Back when I was graduating HS and she was becoming a junior, she spent months convincing my dad to buy her a new SUV instead of getting me a new car and passing down the old family sedan that had been passed on to me at that age because “it was too masculine and all her friends would mock her, blah blah blah.”

Then rubbed it in my face when it came to pass.

At the current time, she had bought her own luxury SUV.

Knowing how much she cared about it, I knew that had to be the focus of my revenge.

Originally I thought about going with some tacky/offensive bumper stickers.

I made my way to the local Spencer’s where I figured I would find something fitting.

This is perfect for revenge. Funny and no harm done, just like her pranks.

I actually found some magnet stickers, and I figured that would be better because they would come off easier.

The magnets I bought were hilarious.

One was a “I <3 *******” bumper sticker.

The other was an anthropomorphic man  who looked like a certain male body part.

I stealthily attached them to the back of her SUV and sat back to see what happened.

The aftermath: So, I had intended to call my sister in the morning to make sure she found them.

Ooops. I overslept.

And turns out she has a remote control to open/shut her SUV rear door.

So she never saw them before going to work.

Take it easy sister, it was just a prank.

By about 10 AM I start getting voicemails from her.

She was MAD.

She said some of the vilest stuff anyones ever said to me, lol.

My other sister (who was in on it with me) had called her around 9 and let her know.

Apparently they had some corporate higher-ups visiting that day.

I don’t think anyone actually saw them tough.

But still, I “could have gotten her fired!” (I highly doubt that would have happened even if any of the bosses had seen it. This was a point of contention. Feel free to chime in with your take).

So basically for almost a year my sister completely disowned me.

Pretty much ignored me whenever we were all in town.

Wow, she’s just dramatic.

Talked bad about how I’m a bum that almost got her fired.

She still, years later, holds a grudge over it somewhat, but for the most part we get along.

I still laugh over this though.

Here’s the best part, and I only know this because she told my other sister.

Apparently on the way home she had stopped to get gas, and a state trooper was filling up behind her.

He was giving her weird looks, which puzzled her until the following morning.

She yelled at my other sister, “I could have been arrested!!!” lmao.

This revenge was too funny, made all the better by how much she overreacted!

Take a look at what some of the people in the comments said.

It is the perfect example of petty revenge.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This person thinks her future boyfriends need a warning.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Exactly, she is quite the drama queen.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Yeah, magnets are 100% harmless.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Wow, she really has a flair for the dramatic doesn’t she?

A lot of sisters do.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.