October 7, 2024 at 3:51 am

Husband Is Exhausted After Caring For Kids By Himself, So He Tells His Wife She Has To Take Care Of The Baby On Their Trip That She Wants To Take

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Pixabay

When a work-from-home dad agrees to tag along on his wife’s work trip, the thought of managing two kids in a cramped hotel room sends him into a panic.

Exhausted from his usual parenting duties, he tells his wife that she’ll have to handle the baby all night on the trip.

Now he’s wondering if he crossed the line in his frustration.

AITA for telling my wife that she has to take care of the baby all night (if needed) on our upcoming trip?

My (M36) wife (F36) is a physician who works in the ER and has a very stress-full job.

I work from home for an IT company. We have two kids: A 3yr old boy and a 11 month old baby girl.

Because of her work hours and stressful job I’m taking the workload of taking care of the kids.

The boy goes to daycare while I watch the baby all day. Breakfast lunch and dinner for the baby and breakfast and dinner for the boy. I also bathe them both and do bedtime with the boy.

What a guy.

Recently my wife got an opportunity to go to California for a medical conference and I told her that she can go alone if she wants and it can be a nice break for her.. but she insists on us all going.

She said she doesn’t need to go but it will be a fun trip and she can use that time for a trip as it won’t be part of her PTO.

Now I would rather her be home to help me with the kids but she was so excited to visit as she’s never been there.

I insisted on her going alone. It will be less stressful for her. She can explore after conference hours.

It will suck for me but at least we’ll be in a controlled area which is our house.

There’s space, all their toys, kitchen, my desk with a monitor setup etc. as opposed to the ‘vacation’ where we’ll be cramped in a Hilton hotel room.

Nothing more fun than kids cooped up in an unfamiliar hotel!

The kids have never slept in the same room ever. And not only do we have to worry about taking strollers and car seats with us on the flight (which I’ll be doing since it will be too heavy for my wife) we have to carry two kids.

We have to make sure there are two cribs at the hotel room, a functioning freezer for my wife’s milk, activities for my toddler boy since what else is he going to do in a hotel room all day while his mom is at a conference and his dad is taking care of a baby while making zoom calls to work.

I’ve begged my wife to reconsider this but she said she’ll take some conference days off or she’ll leave early if things are overwhelming for me since it will be down the street from the hotel that we’ll be staying at.

Oof. Tough call.

I dunno I’m so exhausted lately I just gave in and agreed to the trip.

But now I’m rocking the baby at midnight and I’m just fuming that I’m not only watching the baby and the boy during the weekend (she has weekend call at work that she signed up for because it’s extra money) I’m also rocking the baby back to sleep.

I angrily texted my wife that when we go on the trip.. you have to stay up all night to rock the baby or contact sleep the baby in her arms while you stay up all night.

She felt really bad and said that she’ll swap with me.. but she has work tomorrow and I don’t so I said it’s fine.

But I can tell I made her feel like sh*t and I feel bad about that..

But at the same time I don’t know if I’m actually being a jerk.

Am I actually being one?

While his frustration is understandable, handing off all night-time duties on a getaway might not be the most supportive move—especially when his wife is trying to juggle her own stress.

Reddit thinks he isn’t being a jerk at all.

This person says Mom clearly doesn’t understand what’s involved.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person has some solid advice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person says it all just makes no sense.

Source: Reddit/AITA

What can we say?

Balancing work, kids, and a stressful trip can push anyone to their limit.

Just say no!

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.