October 20, 2024 at 4:49 pm

Greedy Landlord Refuses To Return A Tenant’s Deposit, So They Flood His House And Cost Him Thousands In Repairs

by Heather Hall

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Pixabay

When a landlord refuses to return your security deposit, frustration can quickly turn into a desire for revenge.

How would you respond if your landlord not only refused to return your deposit but completely ghosted you after you moved out?

Would you just forget about it? Or would you find a way to cost him more money in the long run?

In the following story, one tenant finds himself in this very predicament and decides to get revenge.

Here’s how it played out.

Don’t return my deposit? Then I’ll quadruple what you owe me.

Around 2015 I house shared with a live-in landlord; we will call him **** head or DH for short.

There was me and two other dudes who lived there with DH.

He set a rotor in rotation to clean the house weekly; he wasn’t on the rotor, of course.

I always dreaded the bathroom when it was my turn, as when he’d brush his teeth, his used foamy toothpaste would be all over the mirror with beard shavings stuck to it, and urine all over the seat.

It was always DH doing this, and it made the rest of us very mad.

And then there was the garden; he has a dog, which obviously pooped, so whoever is on garden duty has to pick it up… I mean, what are we all paying rent for?

By this point, enough was enough.

Anyway, it must have been a bad week for me as it was my turn to do the bathroom, and yet again, foamy toothpaste beard stuff was all over the mirror again, and DH decided he didn’t want to flush the toilet either.

I went straight downstairs, where DH was in the kitchen with the other dudes, and I called him out on it.

I said it was completely unacceptable to leave the bathroom in that state.

DH went bright red in the face and denied it completely.

I said he was full of it, just like the toilet upstairs.

He then stated if I didn’t like living there, then I was welcome to leave.

I walked back upstairs and started packing my things as he was right, I didn’t like living there.

As I was packing the car he came out and boasted that he didn’t care I was leaving and he’d have a replacement for my room by the end of the week.

Here’s where he started refusing to give the money back.

I went to stay back at my parents house until I found a new place to live, it was the next day and I’d messaged DH about getting my £400 room deposit back.

I’d left the room as is and made sure it was clean to ensure I’d get it back.

He didn’t reply until 11 pm, saying, “You won’t be getting it back; you didn’t do your weekly chores and left early without notice.”

I stated he said I was welcome to leave and didn’t say anything while I was packing my things.

I then said, “I will be getting that deposit back.”

Then he said, “Is that a threat?!”

So, I said, “No, it’s a promise.”

It didn’t take long for the police to get involved.

I drove over there; it was about midnight.

I was banging and banging on the door.

No answer… Of course.

I knew he’d phone the police, but I waited.

Sure enough, the police arrive.

I calmly looked over to the two police officers at the end of the drive and said, “Alright, fellas.”

They asked why I was banging on this guy’s door at midnight.

I walked over to them and explained the situation.

They said to come back at a better time of day or take him to small claims court.

They were right, I knew that anyway I was there out of anger.

Frustrated, he took matters into his own hands.

Weeks and weeks go by, and he’s totally ghosted me.

I couldn’t let DH get away with this, so I made a plan.

I knew he was always in bed by 10 pm, and I knew he was a heavy sleeper.

He’d spent £2,000 on a new carpet for downstairs.

So I went over about 3 am.

Just outside the front door was a hose.

I got the hose, stuck it through the letterbox, switched it on, and left.

The next day, one of the housemates let me know that it wasn’t found until 8 am the next morning so that hose had been running for 5 hours…

That’s some serious petty revenge.

Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit had to say about his predicament.

This person is not impressed at all.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Here’s someone who’s basically calling him a liar.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Great point.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Even so, his insurance premium would most likely go up after the claim.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Not only does this affect the other people who live there, but it’s also a major crime.

Not the smartest form of revenge.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.