October 14, 2024 at 12:52 pm

Successful Wife Makes More Money Than Her Husband, But He’s Still Upset When She Asks Him To Be The One To Stay Home With A Sick Kid

by Laura Ornella

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Ryan Lach

Women are not only in the workforce, they’re even out-earning their romantic partners on a pretty regular basis.

Some men are handling this better than others, apparently.

Like this husband, who is offended his wife would want him to stay home with their sick kid while she goes to her high-paying job.

Check out the details!

AITA for making my husband take the day off with our sick kid instead of me?

AITA for making my husband take the day off unpaid to stay home with our kid?

Kiddo came home with pink eye last night. Husband didn’t notice when he picked her up, but by the time I got home, it was obvious.

I immediately went and got her the required drops to clear it up.

Per our health unit rules, she has to have been on drops for 24 hours AND have no eye goop before returning to school.

So, someone has to stay home today. At best, she returns tomorrow.

Oh man, if both parents are working, this could get tricky.

We asked everyone, six different family [and] friend [groups]. No one is available. So, one of us has to stay home.

Here are the facts:

I work in health care; I have a full schedule of patients today. I am only in this clinic once a week, so rescheduling my day is challenging. There is no one to cover. These patients would have to wait at least another week to see me.

He works in a warehouse and delivers building material for contractors, builders, and homeowners. There are deliveries scheduled, but he didn’t say anything was urgent.

Hm, so far, the score is Mom: 1, Dad, 0.

I have sick days and personal days remaining. He does not get sick days but could move a vacation day.

I am salaried and the breadwinner. He works hourly and will lose a day’s pay, BUT he is working an extra day this week, so it will balance out.

He WILL, however, lose the extra day and the overtime.

Uh oh, Mom: 1, Dad: 1…

I have already said that I will stay home tomorrow if needed, even though it would mean rescheduling a bunch more patients (but it’s a clinic I’m in four days a week, so rescheduling is a lot easier.)

He assumed I would volunteer to take the day off and is a bit angered about having to take the day off. There is also an underlying element of the mother being the default parent here that I’m constantly up against.

Ok, now all bets are off…

He is mad about missing out on overtime.

I have already committed to taking tomorrow off. And I have already taken two other days off when kiddo was sick. He has not.

This is a tough one. What does Reddit think is fair?

Commenters noted her complicated schedule compared to his.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They also highlighted how his work is less urgent.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They also reminded readers that this is part of being a parent.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Ultimately, parenting is a shared responsibility — and readers found that important to note.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Fatherhood isn’t just about the good times with kids, it’s about being there when they need you most.

She was totally in the right.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.