After Dealing With Her Boyfriend’s Lazy Family For Months, She’s Finally Had Enough And Wants To Move Out And Live With Her Brother
by Michael Levanduski
When living with family members, things can get quite tense at times, even if it can be a good way to save money.
What would you do if you were living with your boyfriend and his family, but they never did any cooking, cleaning, or other work?
That is what the young lady in this story is dealing with and she has had enough, so she told her boyfriend she is moving out.
Check out the details.
AITA for telling my (F23) boyfriend (M27) that I can longer deal with his family and want to leave?
I’ve been with my boyfriends for 3 years.
I’ve lived with his family for a year (his mom, grandparents and us two).
When I first moved in I was in my last semester of university and wasn’t working so I cooked and cleaned every day to help out.
Everyone should be helping.
I noticed that ever since I started working 6 months ago, things stopped getting done.
No one would cook and no one cleaned.
Everyone would only wait for me to do things on the weekend (I work swing shift and can’t clean since everyone is asleep when I get home).
I noticed my MIL (F55) started to treat me different when I started working but I ignored.
Can she get a mini-fridge or something?
The real issue is that I started to buy groceries for my lunches since everyone is retired except my boyfriend.
But anytime I would buy food, my boyfriends mom and grandma will eat everything within a day or two or throw things out or leave things out to rot.
I tried to ignore it and just keep it to myself but after months of this happening I’m tired.
Why are they so wasteful?
I spent over $100 worth of groceries for the week to meal prep and all the meat I bought I found sitting outside in the garage rotten.
I don’t know how long it was sitting out but enough to be warm and black.
I just came home from work and I just wanted to make dinner and go to bed but instead I’m just in bed in the spare bedroom by myself.
He should be talking about this with his family (and looking for another place to live).
I yelled at my boyfriend telling him I’m over this of all my money going to waste.
I can’t enjoy anything and no one is helping.
I told him I’m leaving and going to move out and go with my brother because I can’t do this anymore.
I feel bad for yelling at him, but he hasn’t made it easy and hasn’t even bothered to look at places so we could leave.
That sounds like a terrible living situation and I can’t believe she stayed there so long.
Look at the comments below to see what other people think about it.
Here is someone who would have already walked away.
Yes, she is being taken advantage of.
This comment points out that it is time for her to leave.
Exactly, just walk away.
This person says the boyfriend is not helping.
This woman is being seriously taken advantage of.
She needs to walk away and not look back.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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