Her Great Aunt Didn’t Like Her Dad Calling Her Old, So She Made Sure He Knew Just How “Active” She Still Was
by Jayne Elliott
Not everyone wants to know about the personal romantic details of everyone else’s lives.
In today’s story, one teen’s great aunt shares too many details with the teen’s dad, and knowing these details embarrass him, she decides to take it a step further.
The teen finds the revenge hilarious!
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Call her too old and she’d embarrass the crap out of you
My late great aunt was amazing.
She was 99 when she passed. I still do adore her.
She was tiny too. She was 2 inches taller than my mom so 4’7″.
She never got married and told me why.
She said that back in her day men considered women property.
Her parents were different.
They had a loving relationship and considered each other equals. She wanted what they had but never found it.
She got their house after they passed.
The great aunt’s personal life surprised her family.
My mom thought that she has never been with a man and when I asked my great aunt she laughed and said “No. I still go out to the local bar every Friday and bring home a man.”
She was going to tell me more, but my dad told her I was too young to hear it.
She told him that I could hear it since I was 18 years old.
He informed her that HE couldn’t hear it without becoming sick.
His face was pretty red and he was gagging.
I just about nearly passed from laughing.
He made a really bad mistake when he snapped at her and said, “You are too old to be having relations!”
Even though she was tiny, people were scared of her.
She went silent for a moment.
Then got really angry and narrowed her eyes at him.
My dad was mean and would have never been scared of a woman especially a tiny one.
But I saw him lose color as she stepped close, looked up and wagged her finger at him with all sorts of threats to certain important body parts.
Before she walked angrily away.
In all her time of babysitting all her nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews she had never laid a hand on any of the kids.
She didn’t believe in spankings.
And yet every kid including dad always obey her and feared her if they broke her rules.
Her dad helped the great aunt move some boxes.
Dad was very uneasy, and it became clear why later on.
She was storing some things, and she needed help moving some of the boxes to a different room.
She told me to watch what she did next.
She purposely left the bottom of a certain box weak and told dad that she needed him to move it for her.
The great aunt played a prank on her dad.
When he picked it up the bottom gave way and out came all sorts of intimate toys.
Dad’s face went completely red and then she yelled, “WELL NOW I HAVE TO WASH THEM!!!”
Omg the look of shock, embarrassment and violent gagging had him fleeing from the room and straight to the bathroom.
I literally fell on the floor laughing. I still laugh about that day and I still miss her.
The great aunt sounds like she likes to shock people, especially her family. I bet the dad never wanted to help her move anything again.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader considers the aunt a role model.
Don’t mess with the short feisty ladies!
Another reader had a great aunt like this.
This reader identifies as the “crazy aunt.”
It seems that there’s a “crazy aunt” in every family.
And we love them all.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · dad, embarrassed, great aunt, moving boxes, personal life, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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