New Neighbor Rejects Help To Protect Packages And Ends Up Losing One To A Porch Pirate
by Heather Hall
When someone makes it clear that they don’t need your help, it’s usually best to take them at their word.
So, what would you do if a new neighbor angrily rejected your offer to keep their packages safe from porch thieves, only to have their package swiped right off the doorstep while they were away?
Would you help anyway?
Or would you just stand by and watch?
In today’s story, one neighbor faces this exact dilemma.
Here’s what happened.
You don’t need my help? Fine by me.
So, about two months ago, my neighbor moved out.
Now, we weren’t hangout-level friends, but we were cordial with each other.
We had an agreement that if the other wasn’t home when a package came, we’d go grab it and just give it to each other when they got home, as my neighborhood is littered with porch pirates.
So, a month ago, a new neighbor moved in.
He has a package arrive. He’s not home.
I grab the package, figuring I’d try and make the same arrangement with him.
An hour later or so, he pulls into his driveway, and I come out to meet him with his package.
I hand him the package, and I give him the rundown about package thieves in the area.
He loses his mind and tells me, “I don’t need your help, mind your own business. Leave me alone.,” and storms off into his house.
He didn’t want help, so this guy didn’t bother.
Fast forward to yesterday.
I’m outside doing honey do’s…flowers, yard, blah blah.
The neighbor isn’t home. Amazon guy comes and drops off a package on the dude’s doorstep.
Not 5 minutes after the Amazon guy leaves, here comes a porch pirate, grabs the package, and just starts casually walking back to the sidewalk.
Just as the thief makes the sidewalk, the dude pulls into his driveway.
The thief takes off running.
He gets out of his car and starts screaming at me.
I told him…nah dude, I believe you told me you didn’t need my help and to mind my own business, so that’s what I did.
Guy gets all mad and runs into his house.
You could hear him breaking stuff. Hilarious.
The neighbor made it clear he didn’t need help with his packages.
Let’s see what the fine folks over at Reddit have to say about this story.
Good point – they are two different things.
These are excellent questions.
He’d probably be all for it now.
Indeed, this dude does seem to have anger issues.
Maybe they got off on the wrong foot.
It might be too late to find the wrong one now.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · amazon delivery, angry man, malicious compliance, Package Delivery, picture, porch pirate, reddit, rude neighbor, thief, top

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