She Decided To Cook Extra Food To Give To Her Struggling Sister, But Her Husband Got Really Mad When He Found Out
by Jayne Elliott
When a 2-person income goes down to a 1-person income, money can be really tight.
In today’s story, one woman’s boyfriend can’t work while he’s recovering from surgery, and she can barely afford to buy food.
Her older sister decided to help her out by bringing her food, but now that’s causing drama for the older sister since her husband doesn’t want her helping her younger sister so much.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
AITA for feeding my sister?
My (35f) sister Kelly’s (25f) boyfriend is in the hospital undergoing surgery and will not be able to work for a while.
Kelly has been mentioning how stressed they are trying to prepare for this surgery/loss of income, and worries she won’t be able to take care of him.
Last night she called to ask if I could walk their dog tomorrow since she has been cooped up in the house while Kelly works.
She rarely asks for favors and I could tell she was upset.
Kelly started crying and admitted she couldn’t afford much.
We talked a bit more and I asked if she needed anything I could bring with me when I came over, if she had eaten anything etc.
She started crying and said she burnt her last few eggs that morning and couldn’t afford anything other than ramen but she would be okay, work extra and figure it out.
My heart broke a little, I remember being so hungry living in my car in my late teens, then struggling with my husband in our 20s with young kids.
I didn’t have anyone to help me through my tough times and I don’t want her to ever feel so alone.
We are not rich, but we’re well enough off that we can afford what we need with some extras.
She ubered food for Kelly that night.
I told Kelly I’d never let her starve and asked if she had any requests that I could make for her.
Simple things that would be offered to anyone I love going through a tough time without a 2nd thought.
She put up resistance but said she would take anything I was willing to give.
That night I ubered her dinner since I couldn’t make it over.
My husband Lucian seemed upset but said it was “nothing” when I asked if he was okay/why he was upset.
I let it go as he tends to become more upset when pushed.
Lucian was upset that she was buying and making so much for Kelly.
I made extra dinner, extra muffins and decided that I’d spend $100 on staples/a toy for the dog since we had a bit of extra cash this month.
When Lucian came out of our bedroom from playing Xbox after the kids were in bed and saw me organizing the things I bought/writing instructions for easy recipes he was mad.
He went off that “she never helped you like this, why would you do all of this.”
I told him that “she was a child when I was younger, how would she have helped me? Even if that was true, that doesn’t matter. Nobody deserves to go hungry, especially not family and friends.”
Her husband is still mad at her.
We went back and forth, eventually with him saying I “wasted my time and money on someone who doesn’t deserve all of this, what about us? What if I want banana bread? You put nuts in it, I don’t like nuts.”
And me telling him that he was “being incredibly selfish, we have plenty to eat, I made a batch without nuts for him and there’s more of everything for the family if he would just look.
I’d understand if we were struggling but I’m not going to sit idly by while Kelly goes hungry because you don’t like me spending time caring for someone other than you.”
He stomped off and has refused to come out of our bedroom all day besides to grab some snacks, ignoring the food I’ve made.
I know he wants me to apologize but it just feels wrong.
AITA for feeding my sister and calling my husband selfish?
It’s nice of her to want to help her sister.
I don’t think that makes her a bad person especially considering they’re in a position where they have extra money and can spare a little.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
The banana bread controversy is throwing this reader.
This reader thinks the husband’s reaction was “concerning.”
She needs to talk this out with her husband.
Perhaps the husband has kept financial stress hidden from her.
It doesn’t sound like a good idea to apologize when you’re not sorry.
Her husband is the one who needs to apologize.
He’s way out of line.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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