Son-In-Law Was Visited By Pesky Debt Collectors Who Wouldn’t Believe His Father-In-Law Was Deceased, So He Made Sure To Show Them Proof That Shut Them Up For Good
by Chelsea Mize
Nobody likes it when debt collectors come snooping around.
Maybe nothing is certain except the end and taxes, but what happens when one precludes the other?
How would you deal with passing on and debt at the same time?
Let’s dig in!
Debt collectors wants to see my father-in-law, well here you go…
For a small bit of context my father-in-law passed about 2 years ago, he was living with us at the time due to health issues.
About 6 months afterward, we started getting letters from debt collectors asking for stupid amounts of money…
It’s never fun to get calls demanding cash.
We did as asked and provided a copy of his certificate and was told it was sorted, he didn’t have much money and it covered his funeral…
Father-in-law wanted to be cremated so we did as asked and have him stashed in a cupboard under the stairs.
Grieving is hard enough without added complications.
Wife has put his ashes under a tree but saved some for if we ever move.
A few weeks ago we have several suited men turn up at our house..
I go out the back door and walk to the front of our house (smallhold farm).
Men in Black at the door… looking for little green men or greenbacks?
I ask the men what they are doing on my property and they say they’re here to collect on an outstanding debt.
I ask to see their paperwork (only debt we have is a mortgage which we paid on time without fail).
As I’m looking over the paperwork, they’re looking over at my car, work equipment etc. looking like they’ve hit a jackpot.
Stars in their eyes, but the son-in-law is seeing red.
I noticed the name was father-in-law and explained to them he’d been gone for about 2 years.
They demand to see him as they have no record of this and say that they will take items to cover his debts.
So good luck seeing him.
I pull out my phone and text my wife to call police because of trespassers.
I also ask her to put her dad’s ashes in the front porch.
I tell the debt collectors I’ve contacted her father and he will be with us shortly…
And until he is here they are to wait off my property as I’m the homeowner.
Dude needs a no trespassing sign for sure.
I had to show them my ID to prove I wasn’t the man they were looking for.
Once the police turned up they all drove back on to my property and I fetched the box of ashes.
The debt collectors asked again if they could speak to father-in-law so I then handed them the bag of ashes which had a label that reads “The remains of father-in-law and the date.”
I look the main debt collector in the face and said, “I told you he was gone several times and you still asked to see him. Hope you guys have a good chat and are able to sort out this mess… Oh and while you’re speaking to him can you ask him where he left my spare workshop key.”
Poor taste to call this a sick burn?
I turn to the police and explained how I’ve also asked them to get off my property several times and they refused because they needed to see father-in-law…
They hand back the ashes and are getting ready to leave.
I look at the police officer and he burst out laughing…
And the officer asks if they will be coming back or are they satisfied with this evidence, they claimed to be happy with it.
At least the cops got a kick out of this.
I have now added a lock to my main gate and an intercom…
This morning I get a buzz just as I’m getting set up for the morning’s work.
Same debt collection company wanting again to see father-in-law.
These guys don’t take facts for an answer.
I grab the box of ashes and copies of the certificate and head down to the main gate, 2 suited gentleman and a very large van blocking my gate…
I’ve driven down in my van and I get out, box and papers in hand.
I again explain that he is gone, I show his certificate and they again ask to speak to him.
So I hand over the box and ask for their head office phone number.
Who ya gonna call? Ghost debt collectors!
I stand in front of them calling their boss and explain that I’ve shown them the certificate and his ashes how do they expect him to pay his debts now.
They have assured me that they will not be returning…
In conclusion, sometimes even moving on isn’t enough to shake off a debt.
What do you think you’d do if some men came around asking for money from a ghost?
Let’s see what folks on Reddit had to say!
One person had a retort with teeth.
One person suggested legal recourse.
Another user had a similar encounter.
This Redditor turned to snail mail for help.
I’d say men who have gone on tell no tales… and pay no debts.
Thank goodness we can finally be free.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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