Gym Manager’s Bosses Were So Cheap They Wouldn’t Buy A Toilet Plunger, But He Taught Them A Lesson By Leaving A Huge Mess
by Matthew Gilligan
Imagine working for a company so cheap that the owners won’t buy a toilet plunger…
Doesn’t sound like much fun, does it?
You can say that again!
But this person showed his bosses the error of their ways after they decided to be cheapskates.
Take a look at what happened.
I told you to buy a plunger.
“I used to be the day manager for a small gym.
The job was fine and only major downside was how cheap the owners were.
One day a customer clogged the toilet (the only toilet in the small gym) and that’s how I found out that there was no plunger.
So in a panic I jogged to the dry cleaners up the street, asked the very nice owner if I could borrow her plunger.
While acknowledging to her that that was a weird and embarrassing thing to ask to borrow.
Ok so toilet unclogged, plunger returned, and before the end of my shift I called the owners to tell them what happened and that we needed a plunger ASAP.
They promise that they will buy a plunger and of course never do.
I had to do the jog of shame to borrow the dry cleaner’s plunger one other time.
I had no access to their petty cash and didn’t trust them enough to assume that they’d pay me back if I bought one with my own money.
The gym closed half-day on Sundays and that’s when the owners would come in to do whatever business owner-things they were supposed to be doing.
Anyway, one of them clogged the toilet really badly somehow, and oh no the dry cleaners closed on Sundays.
The owners told me later that “there was **** and water everywhere” and that they had to spend the rest of that Sunday cleaning up.
They bought two plungers and I quit not long after.”
Reddit users spoke up.
This person chimed in.
Another individual has a question…
This person spoke up.
How cheap can someone be…?
Don’t they cost like $10?
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · boss, cheap, cheapskate, petty revenge, picture, plunger, reddit, revenge, top

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