Broke Student Shops For Her Mom’s Thanksgiving Groceries As A Favor, But Now Her Mom’s Calling Her A Liar And Refusing To Pay Her Back
by Kyra Piperides
A famous poet once pointed out that we contain all of our parents’ flaws, as well as some others brought forth by our own upbringings too.
These unhealthy habits can follow us into adulthood if we’re not careful, and often take hard work and expensive therapy to iron out.
So what happens when you’re taking care of your own issues, and suddenly your parents’ are glaringly obvious?
Do you let them keep treating your poorly? Or do you call them out on their behavior?
This is the predicament facing the young woman in this story, whose mother just can’t seem to grow up.
Read on to delve into the drama.
AITA for calling my mother a toddler and telling her I no longer trust her with my money?
I am 19, and went grocery shopping on Thanksgiving (yesterday) for the household.
I couldn’t afford this, and operated on the assumption that my mother would reimburse me the cost as she had agreed to before I left. I kept it under $150, as also agreed upon.
However today, she gave me only a portion of that money. In the note she left, she implied that I had been lying about the cost in order to get more money out of her.
I showed her my recent transaction history proving that I wasn’t. She then accused me of misremembering what she had agreed to, saying “I never said I would cover everything, I only said I would give you some money!”
There’s some backstory about why her mom thinks she’s lying.
An important thing to note: she’s convinced I’m lying about virtually everything because when I was younger, I manipulated her various times out of desperation in attempt to hang out with my friends and comb the city for extracurricular activities (my school didn’t offer anything I liked).
She was one of those crime statistics-obsessed parents who never allowed me to venture more than a mile away from home regardless of the time or day; and as a result, the nature of my friendships was shallow given that I didn’t have the opportunity to cultivate more meaningful bonds beyond the confines of school.
Though the monetary loss is admittedly small, I’m a broke college student on financial aid whose pay was docked this month due to my boss’s absence.
Together, both my grandmother and I cover the majority of household expenses. Every dollar counts and now I’m in an even bigger hole.
Read on to see how the daughter felt about her mother’s behavior.
I was more upset about the fact that she’d gone back on an agreement, especially given how contemptuous she is of me for having done the same in the past.
I told her as much and she predictably launched into a tirade about how I’m perpetually dishonest (I haven’t lied to her since the previously-mentioned moments).
I said it’s unfair for her to judge me according to (1) an amalgam of my worst moments and (2) continue to resent me for exhibiting developmentally-appropriate behavior that she’d reacted to in an immature manner disproportionate to the offense.
In those times, she stormed away, door slammed, refused to talk to me for 48 hours, and accused me of “wishing she hadn’t been born” when I tried to explain why I’d felt compelled to lie to her.
Yikes! And this wasn’t the end.
I asked if she would berate a baby for crying in public, or scream at a toddler for climbing something they weren’t supposed to.
I said if she’s too much of a toddler to understand why it’s ridiculous to hold a grudge against your child for doing something children typically do, it’s not my problem and I don’t care to waste my time trying to get back in her good graces.
I also thanked her for teaching me a valuable lesson: not to trust her with my money.
She stormed off to her room and has texted me the following: “1. Do not text, call, or email me. 2. Toddlers are not parents.”
Wow. If anyone’s behavior is unacceptable here, it’s the mom’s.
The daughter admits that her childhood behavior wasn’t okay, but given the situation she grew up in, it’s kind of understandable.
Let’s see what Reddit said about this.
This Redditor agreed, urging the woman to make firm boundaries with her mother.
While this person pointed out that, in her behavior, the mom was only proving her daughter right.
And others pointed out the seriousness of the situation.
While this person discussed some practical steps she could take.
It sounds like this daughter has grown up – something her mother has completely failed to do.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, college student, emotional abuse, financial abuse, groceries, grocery bill, narcissistic parent, picture, reddit, stories, thanksgiving, top

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