Cash-Strapped Family Buy Daughter’s Favorite Cereal As A Treat, And No One Appreciates Dad Eating A Huge Bowl Of It
by Kyra Piperides
Budgeting can be hard, sometimes just putting food on the table can seem almost impossible.
So when you see a beloved but expensive product on offer, it can be exciting.
But what if the treat was for your kid, but you really, really wanted some.
Would you help yourself?
This is the debate facing the family in this story.
One parent wants to eat the treat, the other wants it saved.
Read on to find out what happened.
AITA for calling my husband selfish for eating a massive bowl of cereal?
Our six-year-old kid has a favourite cereal which is a branded kind of chocolate hoops.
When full price it is 100% out of our budget, and so we are almost never able to buy it.
We buy her the cheap own-brand alternative, which she likes, but isn’t anywhere near as good.
But when it’s 3x cheaper, you make do.
We went shopping a few weeks ago, and to my happiness they had two boxes of her preferred brand massively reduced to clear (making them cheaper than the own brand).
So I bought them.
We’ve been gradually getting through it.
I try to limit how much sugary cereal she has anyway, so generally she’ll have a bowl of Shreddies or Bran Flakes or similar, and put the chocolate cereal on top.
She’s happy to do this because it makes the cereal last longer.
Let’s find out what happened next.
We just opened the second box a couple of days ago.
Well, this morning, my husband joined us for breakfast (normally he wakes before us and so has already eaten before we wake up).
He then poured himself a HUGE bowlful of the chocolate cereal.
I was stunned, and immediately asked him what he was doing, and was he seriously eating that much?
Here is where I probably went wrong – I shouldn’t have commented in front of our kid.
But he took me by surprise and I wasn’t thinking.
He shrugged and said yeah, that it was a “normal” amount of cereal to eat, he’d run out of “his” cereal, and it wasn’t a big deal.
He also said he’d done the exact same thing yesterday.
Having checked, I’d estimate he’s had at least 1/3 of the entire box over those two bowls.
I got annoyed and said that was unreasonable and kind of selfish.
While he has every right to eat as much food as he wants, and has every right to eat whichever cereal he wants, I think having a huge bowl of expensive cereal which was bought as a treat for our daughter is completely unreasonable.
Uh-oh. Read on to find out how the husband responded.
I asked him why on earth he couldn’t have mixed it with cheap cereal to bulk out his bowl, because this particular cereal is unaffordable usually.
He made a comment about that box being bought on offer so it wasn’t expensive.
When I argued that it wasn’t the point, that buying another box of it WOULD be expensive, he said “then we just won’t buy another box”.
Our kid got upset, and then my husband snapped at me for saying anything in front of her, that it was MY fault our kid was upset, and said that I had now ruined his day.
He sulkily ate his gigantic bowl and then stormed off to our room in a huff.
He also said that he earns most of “our” money so he can eat what he wants.
Yes, he earns more, but WE have an agreed upon food budget.
If he wants to buy expensive cereal with his own money then he can be my guest, but he spends his money on other things and this cereal came out of our family food budget.
AITA for calling him out for eating so much?
While it’s understandable that the husband might want some of the ‘good’ cereal, he was being completely thoughtless towards his kid.
And saying that he earns most of the money?
Not okay.
Let’s see what Reddit thought of this.
One commenter had their own experience of a similar situation.
While this person thought that the mom was right for calling the husband out in front of the kid.
The ‘breadwinner’ notion is so outdated, and harmful as this person showed.
And others had more serious concerns about the message the dad’s behavior sent to the little girl.
This dad’s behavior is not okay.
It completely disregards everything his wife does, and tells the daughter that she’s not important.
This is a one-way ticket to being resented by your family.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, branded cereal, cereal, family, family drama, growing up poor, money, picture, poverty, reddit, selfish dad, stories, top

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