Customer Thought He Deserved A Store Discount, But The Employee And Supervisor Didn’t Agree
by Jayne Elliott
Sometimes customers can be pretty demanding, and when they don’t get their way, they just get more and more pushy, thinking they will eventually get their way.
In today’s story, an employee has to deal with a customer who wants a store discount, and didn’t want to take no for an answer.
The employee and their supervisor weren’t backing down either, though.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
I spent 10 thousand dollars here!
These 3 fat dudes have been trouble at my store, but it was my first time dealing with them.
A few days ago the main guy was yelling at our head cashier for no reason.
She was only present to open the bullpen, and he was yelling about how he needs to get these trex boards.
How he spends 10k and what not.
The customer wanted a discount.
I came back from break, and he was being assisted already by one of our pros.
The customer told the pro a certain ASM would give him 15%.
So he asked another ASM and they said they can try to do 10%.
The pro isn’t trying to risk his job.
The customer was at his register.
The customer came to my register saying that he’s supposed to get a competitor discount?
Me : what’s the discount for?
Customer : it’s competitor pricing
Like what does that even mean, our direct competitor?
Even the manger is confused.
Me : like what is it for?
Customer : its what that manager gives me
Of course I would need to get a manager override
I called my supervisor and tell her, and she’s just as confused as me.
Because if it’s truly competitor he would have the prices to match from an actual competitor.
The supervisor talked to the customer.
The customer starts getting mad.
I just ask if she can come to deal with this fat guy.
DS : so I’m not going to give that discount since I was not aware or ever told about this. That particular manager has been on vacation for a month now. But I’ll call the ASM we have currently.
The customer requested a different kind of discount.
The asm that was called never showed up, and the guy was getting mad saying how he has places to be and how he spent 10k.
Like dude, I don’t care.
Customer : can’t you just put in military?
I was thinking, what? We don’t just give military for free to people.
The customer got his way.
The pro that was originally assisting was noticing things were heating up.
So he just put his military in to get that guy gone.
You can’t just spend money and demand discounts.
We have a guy who spends close to a million and is a lot more chill than this clown.
Apparently you can demand discounts, because this customer ended up getting the military discount.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
The customer got his way.
It’s possible the customer was telling the truth.
Here’s how a price match is supposed to work…
The customer’s weight was irrelevant.
Fat-shaming is wrong.
This reader would’ve handled it differently.
Once again, arguing with a manger worked.
You hate to see it, honestly.
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · competitor, discount, employee, entitled people, picture, price matching, reddit, top

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