Entitled Man Yelled At The Receptionist At The Doctor’s Office, So She Threatened To Call The Police
by Jayne Elliott
Working as a receptionist seems like it would be a pretty drama free job, but that’s not the case at all.
In today’s story, a receptionist at a doctor’s office has to deal with an irate and entitled patient. Thankfully, she has many people willing to help her.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Old man screams at front desk lady, can’t take the consequences
So, I went to the health post with my mom for a checkup (she’s the kind of person that’s friends with everyone, so she made the process go faster), we’re waiting as it is first come first serve when an old man (Around his 50s?) come in
The receptionist wasn’t there for a few minutes as she went to talk to the doctor.
When she came back, he started talking (Already like a jerk):
Here’s how the conversation started…
ED = Entitled dude
A = Secretary
ED: “Hey, who’s the last of the line?”
A: “No idea, if you guys who were here didn’t know, how could I?” She said with a chuckle, it’s a small town, professionalism doesn’t really exist here lol
ED was really angry.
ED then starts going on a rant about how she’s disrespectful, how she hates him and his daughter, how he was the only one she didn’t give a pee container to, so he had to buy one (I found out a container was R$ 1,00 or 0,20 USD).
He was screaming at her and moving closer.
She started screaming and crying, saying that if he kept disrespecting her, she’d call the police while pointing at the sign on the wall that said exactly that.
It wasn’t over yet!
Me and a few other people were ready to jump in if he tried getting physical when a doctor and a few nurses came to calm the situation down.
Great! So, it’s over, right?
A few minutes later a few police officers walk in, shotguns in hand while calmly asking what happened.
OP heard screaming.
They talked to ED and A while one asked me if what they were saying was true.
I told him what I saw.
ED gets taken outside while A goes to get her stuff. She wants to press charges.
I then start hearing screaming from outside, one of the officers (Now named P) is screaming and hitting the wall right next to the man’s head.
He’s from RAIO, mom’s description of RAIO was “Like a riot police but they hit WAY harder”.
Turns out A is married to a police officer.
P kept screaming and berating the man, saying how “I’D KILL YOU RIGHT HERE, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE IF YOU HAD TOUCHED HER! I’D GO TO JAIL BUT I’D KILL YOU!”
He takes ED back inside, forces him to sit down and hits the wall right below the “No disrespecting employees” asking “CAN YOU SEE THIS?!”
He takes a deep breath and goes to hug A, and that’s how I found out A and P were married! 😊
Here’s how it ended…
ED was really quiet after this.
I had to hold my laugh a few times because a few nurses kept teasing ED “Did you take your meds today? Would you like some tea? Maybe some water?” They asked in a respectful but clearly mocking tone.
Dude messed around and found out, and no one felt bad for him.
That is an interesting twist with A and P being married! ED definitely messed with the wrong person.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader thinks the police officer went too far.
Here’s the perspective of someone who is almost 70…
The entitled man deserved jail time.
This reader is happy there were consequences.
This reader doesn’t think 50s is old.
At least the entitled man finally backed off.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · appointment, doctor's office, entitled people, picture, police, receptionist, reddit, top

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