Daughter Shows Her Younger Sister A New Website For Romantic Books, But Their Mom Is Mad And Blames Her For Her Sister’s Obsession
by Kyra Piperides
We all know what it’s like to really, truly love something with childlike innocence.
Whether it’s a video game, a stuffed animal, a movie, or – in the case of this story – a set of novels, there is nothing like that feeling.
So when this sister showed her younger sibling a new way to interact with her hobby, she couldn’t believe her eyes.
Meanwhile, the older sister couldn’t believe her mom’s reaction.
Read on to find out what happened.
AITA showing my sister her favorite author’s website?
I am 19, and my little sister is 12.
She has already read ten novels by her favorite author, and often clasps a hand to her chest and swoons about how they are “so romantic.”
She also asks me whenever I return from bookshops if the author has released any new books.
Read on to find out how things went bad for these adorable sisters.
Recently, I found the author’s official site and I showed my sister the “Coming Soon” section.
This section states that the author does not have any new books scheduled for publication, but that she is hard at work.
Now my sister frequently checks the site.
Our mom chides me for it, blaming me for not thinking of the consequences and saying that it’s my fault my sister now spends more time glued to her screen.
What? How is the big sister the problem here?
All she did was show her little sister some information online, actually engaging with her and her interests.
Rules and boundaries around the kid’s time spent online is fully the mom’s domain.
Let’s see what Reddit made of this.
One Redditor pointed out that the mom could be educating her younger daughter, rather than chiding her eldest.
And others stuck up for the older sister.
Meanwhile, this person had a very sweet idea.
Checking an author’s website isn’t a gateway drug to internet addiction.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, author, book website, childhood hobby, children's author, children's books, online, picture, reading, reddit, stories, top

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