Girlfriend’s Sister Wants To Bring A Newborn On A Big Vacation, So He Suggests A Destination That’s More Practical And Closer To Home
by Diana Whelan
Traditions like taking trips with family can be something to look forward to, but sometimes that changes when there’s a new baby.
Every year, he and his girlfriend take a yearly vacation with her older sister and her boyfriend.
But this year, there’s a twist: a newborn, and it’s throwing a wrench into their trip planning.
Read on for the full story.
AITA for refusing to go on vacation with a newborn?
Me and my girlfriend (28m/27f) have taken a vacation with her older sister and boyfriend each year the last 4-5 years. We either go on a ski trip, hit a national park we haven’t seen, or just go hiking/camping in the Rockies.
We are able to make this trip really affordable only spending money on things that matter to us and we have a very similar taste in what we enjoy to do. I cherish this yearly trip and the memories we’ve made.
A week or so ago her sister told us she was pregnant and told the rest of the family on thanksgiving. We were all super excited to have a new family member next year!
Next year’s trip will feature a new hiking buddy…who needs to be carried the whole way.
After we ate and were chatting my girlfriend mentioned we booked a trip to Costa Rica in February this led into talking about our yearly trip.
I had gotten sucked into another conversation with family members and when I sat back down with my girlfriend and her sister they say “would you rather go to Colorado in September or go in January to ski” and proceed to show me MUCH more expensive accommodations/rental car/flights ect to travel with a baby.
The baby is due in July so I quickly started crunching numbers in my head that would make the little feller 2-5 months old.
I suggested we look into going somewhere much closer maybe a state park or somewhere in the smokeys. We have a small camper.. Just take a 3 day weekend trip to test the waters of vacationing with a baby.
Looks like the only ‘rough terrain’ I’ll be navigating this year is figuring out how to fit a baby seat in a rental car.
I was immediately given the “im going to be strong mom speech and having a baby isnt going to stop me from doing things”.
I didn’t want to ruffle to many feathers at thanksgiving so I just ate my feelings of being disrespected and her being selfish (I felt the only input they really wanted from me was my debit card) and nicely said “I’m not going to book anything today”.
His girlfriend brought up the trip again.
Once we got home my gf almost immediately mentioned the trip.
We had a discussion about how I do not want to fly halfway across the country with a newborn, pay way more for the trip, be able to do way less/enjoy it less, use my vacation time, just be super stressed and how her sister/bf couldn’t afford this trip without us covering half..
Plus the selfishness/irresponsibility (IMO) of even putting the stress/risk on a newborn of flying, the cold, elevation sickness, hiking with a baby while elk are in rut (most dangerous time of year), driving on dangerous mountain roads, ect for us to take turns sitting in the lodge/air bnb so her sister doesn’t miss out on aspen ski pics this year.
Guess the baby’s just along for the ride… and the ski photos!
She agreed with all my points and says if we were in her sisters shoes we wouldn’t be planning this trip. She is much more empathetic about her FOMO and thinks we should still go because it’s a “family trip” with the baby.
I again brought up going somewhere closer and more affordable for a shorter time.
This trip is just ALOT both financially and mental stress.
I’ve been getting the cold shoulder a couple days now starting to wonder is this a family obligation trip or to feed her sisters ego?
AITA for refusing to go on or pay for this trip?
Is he just being a buzzkill, or does this trip really cross a line?
Reddit is on OP’s side here.
This person says there are pleeeenty of good reasons not to travel with an infant.
This person dares to say it’s even “laughable” that his sister would expect that.
Like, seriously. She’s out of her mind.
Figuring out how to survive a vacation with a newborn might require more planning!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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