He Found A House That He Wanted To Buy, But Before He Could Make An Offer, His Sister’s Boyfriend Swooped In
by Jayne Elliott
The hardest thing about real estate is finding a home you actually want to buy.
In today’s story, a man finds a home he wants to buy, but then an even bigger problem happens.
Another family member makes an offer on the same home!
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for being angry with family for swooping in to buy the property I was trying to buy?
Been living abroad for over 12 years.
I go back home to visit multiple times a year.
The last year or so when visiting, me and my gf have been talking about moving back there.
It is not as good for our careers, it it’s much better quality of life.
They found a house they like.
Last month we’re back for a family thing and start looking for houses.
One in particular near my folks house stood out, and we were very excited about it.
There are not a lot of houses of that standard available in that village.
On the last night of our stay we had a big family dinner and talked about it and how nice it was.
They would need to find jobs.
It’s worth saying that we don’t have jobs there yet but after we flew back out, we were talking to the estate agent about doing a long takeover for that reason.
And that fit the owners well.
But there were still a few things for us to iron out when moving countries before we could make an offer.
That’s when I hear that my sisters bf who lives a bit away from my family (they all live in that village) went to look at it too.
I’m a bit annoyed because he only planed a viewing after hearing how nice we thought it was.
He asks his dad directly about the possibility of his sister and her boyfriend buying the house.
So I call up my dad and asks what is going on.
I know that while my sister could never afford it, my parents bought the house she is currently living in and might be able to, and my sisters BF does well but also has wealthy parents.
So I ask my dad directly if they were going to move their investment into this house for my sister, and they say no, never.
I also make it clear that I am working on making an offer and would not be happy if my sister and her bf makes one.
Turns out the sister and her boyfriend do want to buy the house.
2 days later while I’ve been talking to banks etc, I get at text from my mum saying she’s sorry to tell me but my sisters BF have made an offer.
I text back that I am disappointed, but I hold back because I don’t really want to involve them as it’s between me+gf and my sister+bf.
Pisses me off though has now I either have to let it go or enter a bidding war … which is ridicules, so I end up dropping it.
He told his other sister how he really feels about the situation.
Two days later my 2nd sister texts me and and says she is sorry as well, and to her I don’t hold back.
I say between me and hear how angry I am that my 1st sisters BF who knew I was actively working on purchasing it and just swooped in and did that.
I know that I have some hurdles to jump and that I can’t prevent him from offering, but the fact that he knew the situation and hurried to get a bid in without even calling me and asking me or letting me know is just pretty bad form.
His family is now backtracking on everything they said before.
My 1st sister then text me to say “oh we didn’t know you were really interested”..
I haven’t replied yet.
To top it off… Today my dad calls me and says “Oh we didn’t think the house is that great actually… and by the way, we bought part the house with your sisters BF so that, your sister can be on the deed.”
He finally tells his dad how he really feels.
I explode on the phone.
Saying I think my sis’s BF is a douche for swooping in and not letting me know, and that they suck for buying in as well after saying they wouldn’t.
After much debate I hang up. AITA?
His dad lied to him. His sister is playing dumb. I’d be mad too.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
His family doesn’t want him to move.
His family is not to be trusted.
He should keep his distance.
He should rethink moving closer to this family.
If his family really wanted him to move closer, they wouldn’t have done that!
They definitely tipped their hands.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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