Her Boyfriend’s Aunt Opened Her Mail And Stole Her Coachella Ticket, But Now She Feels Bad For Creating Drama In Her Boyfriend’s Family
by Heide Lazaro
Opening someone else’s mail is illegal, but what’s even worse is stealing the contents of the mail and selling it as if it was yours!
This woman shares how her boyfriend’s aunt not only opened her mail but also sold what was inside it!
She was obviously furious, but she also feels bad about how she reacted.
Read all the details of the story below.
AITA for telling my bfs aunt I could call the cops on her after she stole my Coachella ticket.
I’ve been with my boyfriend for 6 years, and have known his aunt throughout those years.
We were actually pretty close.
She now lives with his parents because she cheated on her husband.
The new BF now lives there, too.
This woman bought Coachella tickets.
We moved to an apartment, but still get our items shipped to our parents’ house since our place is sketchy.
I had bought Coachella tickets, and it was sent to his house.
Well, 2 weeks before Coachella, the person I was going to Coachella with got COVID.
And so, we decided to sell our tickets.
But her ticket never showed up.
Only problem is, my ticket never came.
We kept asking everyone who lived at the house for weeks if they had seen the package, to which they said, “No.”
We searched the living room and kitchen, but nothing came up.
Coincidentally, her BF’s aunt was also selling a Coachella ticket.
A month prior to this, his aunt had told his mom that she was selling Coachella tickets that her BF had gotten from his niece.
It never crossed my mind that this ticket was mine.
I was starting to get stressed because the ticket was $600.
And I was about to have to drive to the venue to pick up my ticket and go to the concert alone.
Eventually, the aunt admitted her wrongdoing.
The day before Coachella, my BF’s aunt confesses to her crime.
Her BF had stolen my ticket, and had been trying to sell it off.
His aunt tried to say she had no idea it was my ticket because the package had no name.
This is a lie.
Her BF and his family agreed that it was messed up.
Once I hear about it, I immediately start shaking and sobbing, feeling betrayed,
And that we stressed out over nothing.
Since they probably already sold the ticket, I couldn’t even go to Coachella.
My BF called his mom to tell her how messed up this is, and his parents agree.
Due to frustration, she blurted something about calling the cops on her.
She never apologized, just kept up her lies and excuses.
I was so fed up that I said, “You know, it’s illegal to steal other people’s mail. I could go to the police about this.”
This upset his aunt, and I felt bad about this.
My BF said the right thing to do is for my aunt to send us the $600.
Now, she thinks that his aunt is talking crap about her.
We haven’t talked about this incident since with them, but I know they talk crap about me to their whole family.
Because that’s what they do.
When I go to his family parties, I just stay quiet and act friendly.
She feels like she’s being the jerk in this situation.
I’m an extremely sensitive person.
And the thing that hurt the most about this situation is that someone close to me could lie and betray me like that.
After seeing how stressed I and her nephew was.
I feel like the jerk because I’ve created a rift between him and his ex-favorite aunt. I still feel guilty.
Did I overreact? Did I mess up his relationship with his family?
The aunt was the jerk in this situation. She owes OP $600!
What do you think? Let’s read the reactions of other people on Reddit.
This user gives short but sensible advice.
This person says you did him a favor.
What they did was a federal crime, according to this user.
People are telling her to file charges.
Finally, this user believes that she is completely innocent.
She needs to take legal action.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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