Hi Ex-Wife Agreed To Get 75% Of His Salary After The Divorce, So He Quit His High-Paying Job And Found A New One Where He Gets Minimum Wage
by Heide Lazaro
Dealing with divorce can be stressful. You have to be smart if you don’t want to lose your financial assets.
This man shares a story of his coworker who “stuck” it to his entitled wife.
He made a deal with her that sounded promising but was really deceptive in reality.
Read the story below for all the details.
75% of my pay? Ok..I will get a new job!
I worked with a guy who really stuck it to his ex-wife.
When I met him, he was working in a sporting goods store, making 8 dollars an hour.
He was not really like the other retail monkeys.
He was older, well groomed, well spoken, clearly educated, etc.
This man asked his coworker how he was able to afford a new Jaguar.
One night, after work, he gets into his car.
And I couldn’t help but notice that it was a very, very nice new Jaguar.
I asked him how he could afford it, and he explained it to me.
He had been an SVP at a well known fortune 50 company.
He was pulling in 300k with bonuses and stock options.
The coworker made a deal with his ex-wife during the divorce.
He was married, but the marriage fell apart.
And in the divorce, she demanded that she get the house and 40% of his wages.
He and his lawyer somehow managed to get her to agree to let him keep the house in exchange for 75% of his pay.
No dollar figure or employer specified. LOL.
He quit his high-paying job and got a new one where he gets minimum wage.
As soon as she took the settlement, he quit his job and looked for a minimum wage job.
He said to me that, “She gets 75% of nearly nothing now.”
He had other money stashed away, so he didn’t even need the job.
And he had the house and it’s equity, as well.
Also, no kids, so there was no child support. Just alimony.
His ex-wife tried to sue him again.
She was furious, of course, and tried to re-sue him, but failed at least once.
She claimed that the settlement was not keeping her in the lifestyle she was accustomed to.
So, he simply told the judge that the divorce was traumatic to him and he could no longer do his old job as a result.
At least at that time, she did not manage to get out of the deal.
This man thinks it was a genius revenge!
Not sure how it all ended, but I thought it was brilliant if not crazy-level spiteful.
He was a good employee, too.
Good with customers, showed up on time, no crappy absenteeism or anything like that.
He claimed he loved each payday because it reminded him how little she was getting.
Let’s find out what others have to say about this,
This user offers a positive comment.
While this one shares a personal thought.
Here’s another valid point from this user.
It baffles me, says this person.
Finally, a harsh and honest remark from this person.
Entitled women deserve to be paid nothing.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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