His Navy Roommate Bullied Him, So When It Was Time For His Roommate To Ship Out He Got Out His Sewing Kit And Got To Work
by Jayne Elliott
Bullies turn up everywhere – work, school, and in today’s story, in the Navy.
While the bully gets his laughs watching his victim suffer, his victim waits until just the right moment to get revenge that the bully will never see coming!
Let’s see how the story plays out…
“Booter” Gets Revenge
After graduating Navy bootcamp I was assigned to a three man room to attend advanced training.
As the least senior, thus the “Booter” moniker, in the room (you know, by two whole weeks), I endured annoying hazing by one of my two roommates.
I attended night classes, so was on a different schedule than them.
I would return to find my pants tied in knots around piping at the ceiling about 15 feet up.
I had to get a ladder to get them down.
That type of annoying crap.
His roommate should’ve guarded his seabags better!
The worst roomie got his orders and had to have his sea bags packed to show that his lockers were cleaned out as he ran around getting paperwork signed.
I was alone with his seabags!
I pulled near all of his clothes out and put my bootcamp issued sewing kit to use.
He’d never see this revenge coming!
I stitched shirt cuffs shut, collars so he couldn’t fit his head through, spots in the middle of his socks, pant legs, tee shirts, buttons so they wouldn’t unbutton.
Skivies right through the middle, and both summer and winter uniforms.
I then folded everything up and placed them as they were back in his seabags.
He would have been thousands of miles away before he would even realize and then potentially deal with it over several months.
If only he could’ve seen his reaction!
I’m sure he had suspicions, but I left no note and never spoke a word until I had transferred as well.
One of my favorite Navy stories and I get a smile every time I think about that jerk wondering what happened?
I bet the former roommate was furious, but there was nothing he could do about it!
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this post…
He was definitely committed to carrying out this revenge!
This reader couldn’t resist the sewing puns.
Here’s a story about shoe shining revenge…
Let’s put this story in “military terms”…
This reader thought the revenge was funny.
It’s the “gift” that keeps on giving!
I would’ve loved to have seen the look on his face when he went to get dressed!
This is hilarious revenge.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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