Mean Teacher Was Constantly Hostile To A Student, So Years Later The Student Had A Chance To Sabotage Her Interview For A Job At Their High School
by Benjamin Cottrell
Some people are just born to be inspiring teachers who all their students remember and look up to.
This teacher, however, was better at creating unnecessary drama.
After years of her condescending attitude towards everyone around her, one French teacher caught a slice of poetic justice when she was least expecting it.
Read on for the full story!
French teacher circa 2002
We had this French teacher in middle school who sort of sucked.
Day to day, class wasn’t that bad, but she bragged about bossing her stepdaughter around, which rubbed me the wrong way, and just sort of had bad energy.
From the student’s point of view, there was no merit to her bad attitude.
Having since subbed in middle school and hated every minute of it, I’m sympathetic to that aspect.
But this was an affluent liberal arts school with an average class size of 20 and the most innocent group of kids I’ve encountered before or since.
The worst behavior you’d be likely to see is light chattiness during class.
Her cruelty was especially evident on a school field trip.
Anyway, the kids who took French went on a bus trip to Montreal.
Incidentally, one girl snuck off and got her bellybutton pierced, which this woman had no reaction to.
Then one night at dinner, I walked into a (multi-stall) bathroom along with another girl on the trip.
I noticed the water was running in the sink, thought “that’s weird,” and went about my business.
When I walked out of the stall, this woman is REAMING OUT the other girl for running the water.
Her reaction was way over the top.
Not “we need to be polite as guests in another country,” but absolutely freaking out.
It would have been an incredibly strange reaction even if the girl actually had been the one to turn the water on.
The student tries to defend their peer.
I say, “It wasn’t even her, jeez” (somehow I remember this word-for-word 20+ years later, when I can’t even remember this woman’s name).
I mean, for all we know, the restaurant did it on purpose to clear rust out of the pipes or something.
But then the teacher snarls more insults.
“I can’t even tell you how UNATTRACTIVE you look when you roll your eyes heavenward. Get OUT OF MY SIGHT. And I don’t want to see you for the rest of the trip!”
This experience left quite an impression on the student.
I can’t remember how I responded in the moment, but I remember that it seemed impractical as she was the chaperone, and that I was anxious for the rest of the trip, but determined not to show it.
Little did they know, they were about to get the opportunity of a lifetime for payback.
Fast forward to high school, I’m either best or second best in the grade in French, and who comes to interview for a job in the high school but THIS *****.
The interview is to teach a test lesson in my French class.
I decide I’m going to be an adult and sit politely (I’m older and wiser, and French is my favorite class where I enjoy a good reputation, so I don’t want to look like a jerk), but I do notice that her accent is just awful.
The teacher is kinda bombing her interview.
She sort of rolls her R’s in a way I’ve never heard anyone else do, and her spoken fluency is just not on the level of the other high school French teachers.
Then the teacher turns to the student.
As I start to walk out of the class, the regular teacher asks ME SPECIFICALLY to stay back and tell her what I thought of the lesson.
I say something like, “Well, I’m biased because we don’t like each other, but her accent seems really off, and there’s a fluency issue…”
And finally, sweet revenge.
So you know how it ends.
Not only does she not get the job, but I get to feel morally superior on top of it.
I’m still inwardly gloating about this all these years later.
Sounds like her bad accent matched her bad personality.
What did Reddit think?
This commenter steps into character.
Did she even know what language she was trying to speak?
The best type of revenge is one you get away with.
A once-dominant teacher was left with nothing but her own defeat.
Karma has a way of teaching lessons no classroom could!
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · field trips, foreign language, french, mean teachers, middle school, payback, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, rude people, top

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