Neighbor Accidentally Sends Package To The Wrong Address, Leading To A Dispute Over Who Should Cover The Cost
by Heather Hall
Mistakes happen, especially when you’re shopping online and using a new address.
So, what would you do if you accidentally opened a neighbor’s package that was addressed to your home, and they demanded you pay for it?
Would you take part of the blame to keep things friendly?
Or would you stand your ground and say it wasn’t your fault?
In today’s story, a new mom finds herself at odds with her neighbor over a case of mistaken delivery.
Here’s how it all went down.
AITA For refusing to pay for a package I opened that wasn’t addressed to me?
So we just had a baby 2 months ago, and because of Covid, our baby shower and registry were all online.
Because of this, we have been getting hundreds of packages addressed to all sorts of people coming to our house.
Well, a couple of days ago, I got another package sent to our address, and I opened it, and it was a few onesies and toys.
It had a name on the front I didn’t recognize, so I thought it was another one of my husband’s distant relatives.
There was no gift message or anything.
It turns out the package belonged to their neighbor.
The clothes and toys are for an older baby, so I take off all the tags and boxes and pack them in my son’s nursery cupboards for future use.
We have been getting gifts in all sizes.
Well, when my husband gets home, he doesn’t recognize the name either.
Long story short, we figured out the name is actually our new next-door neighbor who just moved in and has a son a few months older than ours.
I walked the items to the neighbor, and she mentioned she accidentally put the wrong address since it was new to her.
She says sorry and thank you for giving it to her.
Now, the neighbor wants her to buy the onesies since she removed the tags.
Flash forward to today, and she came by asking for money for the onesies.
She said they didn’t fit her son, and she can’t return them cause I took the tags off.
And that my son will grow into them so I should buy them from her.
I told her it was her mistake to have them sent to my house.
Now, in order to keep the peace, I probably would’ve just paid for it, but 1.) They were expensive onesies, and 2.) She was being rather aggressive about it.
Well, as you can guess, she told all our neighbors, and everyone says we need to reimburse her for opening her mail.
Wow! This can easily go both ways.
Let’s see how Reddit readers weigh in on this situation.
It can definitely happen.
Waiting for her husband wouldn’t have been a bad idea.
This person has a great sense of humor.
Excellent point.
Both sides made mistakes here, and splitting the cost seems like the best way to handle this.
It’s a fair solution that could help keep the peace and allow both of them to take responsibility.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, baby shower, new mom, new neighbor, online shopping, picture, reddit, top, wrong address

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