She Borrowed $2500 From Her Brother To Pay A Vet Bill For Her Dog, But The Pup Didn’t Make It. Now Her Brother Is Mad That She Hasn’t Paid Him Back Yet.
by Heide Lazaro
Losing a beloved pet can be devastating, but when you do, does it mean you can forget your financial obligations?
This man explains that he loaned money to his sister for her dog’s medical needs, and they agreed on a date when she would pay him back.
The date has passed, and he’s still waiting for his money.
Read all the details…
AITA for expecting my sister to pay back on the due date the money I lent her for her dogs vet bills.
On October 1st, I (35M) lent my sister (27F) $2,500 for her dog’s vet bills.
She promised to pay me back on November 1st.
She said she would have the money on that date.
I have this in writing via text.
This man trusted his sister.
I’ve never lent my sister money before, and I generally trust her.
I didn’t care for her dog, but she loved it.
It ended up passing on Oct 15th. She was devastated.
I gave her my condolences, and went about my life.
When the agreed date arrived, he asked for his money back.
On Nov 1st, I asked her to venmo me the $2,500.
She blows up on me asking how I could ask her for money when she is still grieving.
She says it’s only been 2 weeks since the dog died, and she isn’t ready to move on.
His sister called him a jerk!
I told her I’m not telling you to move on, I’m telling you to pay me what I’m owed. I asked if she is saying she is not paying me back.
She called me a jerk and hung up.
I texted her a screenshot of her agreeing to the 11/1 date.
She ignored me.
Although he can let it go, he said that $2500 is a big amount.
I can live without getting the $2,500 back with no material effect on my life, but also $2,500 is not an insignificant amount.
While talking with our mom, I found out that the vet bill was over 7 grand, and it didn’t save her dog’s life.
I also found out my mom gifted her 2 grand to help out.
I have no idea what my sister’s finances are like, but I’m guessing they are not good.
He hasn’t received a single dime.
She is now 7 days late, and I haven’t seen a dime.
We’ve had several arguments, and this has really deteriorated our relationship.
Essentially, she is calling me an unsympathetic jerk. But am I?
Yikes! Let’s see what others have to say about this story on Reddit.
This user shares some simple but meaningful advice.
A parent shares an important lesson she taught her daughters.
The sister is not the victim, says this person.
Here’s more sensible advice.
Finally, this user says to give her a little slack.
Don’t lend money to family and friends and expect to get it back!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, borrowing money, dog, money owed, picture, reddit, sister, top, vet bill

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