Property Owner Liked To Grow Organic Plants And Trees For Food, But Then His Neighbor Started Demanding That He Get Permission First
by Michael Levanduski
When you have extra property, it is not uncommon to let people or pets walk through the area as long as they don’t disturb anything.
What would you do if your neighbor started making demands on how you care for that property, and even had his dog intentionally damage some of your trees?
That is what the property owner in this story experienced, so he moved some things around and got some simple revenge.
Check it out.
Passive aggressive neighborly revenge
We have a big stretch of lawn that is adjacent to our neighbors’ lawn.
Their dog often runs around on our property and we never minded.
We have a dog also, but we keep our dog in our yard and out of theirs’.
We are avid organic gardeners and grow much of our own food, and are very careful about what chemicals we use on our property.
After having our crop decimated by Japanese Beetles several years in a row, we did a bunch of research and last spring decided to spread milky spore on the lawn as a preventative.
Seems like a great option.
Research stated it wouldn’t be harmful to the environment or animals, and we decided to spread it while our neighbors were out of town so their dog wouldn’t run around on it.
The next day our neighbor comes marching into our yard yelling about how we tried to off their dog, and how we are inconsiderate idiots with no regard for our neighbors and are terrible people, etc.
Apparently they came home early and their dog ran onto our lawn and the neighbor claims he watched his dog eat a clump of grass that had milky spore on it, and the dog got sick.
He screamed for about 20 minutes before my husband had enough and told him to leave.
The next day we get a letter in the mail, typed in all caps, demanding that we give him 48 hours written notice before applying anything to OUR lawn, and that we must have his permission prior to doing so.
How about he keep his dog off the property!
We informed him that as the land and homeowners, we are not obligated to inform him about anything we do to our lawn, much less get his permission.
But that we would give him a heads up out of courtesy, and that he should make an effort to keep his dog on their side to avoid further issues.
We didn’t hear from him for awhile and then early last fall I was out back planting a few trees on OUR property.
He came out and told me he didn’t like the trees.
I told him sorry to hear that, but it’s my yard and I do like the trees so they’re staying.
All winter, every time he let his dog outside, we’d watch out the window as he directed his dog over to the trees I’d planted so he could pee on them.
He has a lot of nerve.
By summer, both trees were half dead where his dog had been peeing on them, and he “told” me that he and his wife were going to purchase and plant different trees for us as a replacement, and that they would be a “better” variety.
I told him no, and instead I dug the trees out and replanted them a few feet off the property line on our side, in a spot where they are not visible to us but where he has to see them directly out his living room and kitchen windows.
With the gross sides facing his property.
The sides facing our property are now lush and healthy, and the sides facing his property – the sides he encouraged his dog to pee on – are still dead and brown.
Well done!
It tickles me absolutely pink every time I walk past the trees, and I have named them my “spite trees”.
I have no regrets and I am not sorry.
What was that entitled neighbor thinking?
Read on to see what the people in the comments have to say.
Now here is a good idea.
Here is someone curious about the milky spores.
That would be too funny.
It is astounding.
How about you keep off of my property!
That’s a good start.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · dogs, lawn, lawn treatment, organic, petty neighbor, petty revenge, picture, plants, property, reddit, top

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