A Mother Failed To Discipline Her Unruly Children, So One Passenger Was Forced To Set Boundaries Themselves
by Benjamin Cottrell
Riding public transportation often leaves you at the mercy of a chaotic mix of personalities, but everyone has their limits — especially when unruly kids are involved.
One commuter’s ride turned sour when a mother’s hands-off approach to managing her kids left the traveler covered in saliva.
You’ll want to read on for this one!
AITA for yelling at a mom for not controlling her children
So I was on the bus, and in front of me was a mother with two kids.
She looked around 30, and one of her kids seemed to be about 8 years old, while the other was 2.
It was clear the mother wasn’t really paying attention to her surroundings.
The mom looked very depressed and totally out of it, and her kids were being total nuisances, doing whatever they wanted.
They must do this often because the 2-year-old turned around to me and started blowing raspberries for about five minutes.
The traveler tries politeness first.
I respectfully asked the mom to tell him to stop. She did, and he stopped — for about two minutes.
But when that didn’t work, they had to escalate.
Then, some of his saliva ended up in my mouth, and he started doing it to my brother.
At that point, I was done and shouted at the mom to control her kids.
The mother wasn’t pleased with the commuter.
She was visibly mad at me for shouting, but she did stop him again.
I could tell he wanted to start again after whispering to his brother, presumably encouraging him to join in as well.
Now the commuter is left wondering if they did the right thing.
We got off the bus before they did, and I kind of felt bad afterward.
Public transport is a safe space to be respected — not a playground for unchecked chaos.
What did Reddit think?
This commenter tries to teach the commuter a few valuable tools for corraling unruly kids in the future.
Sure, parenting is hard, but it’s no one else’s responsibility but your own to control your kids in a public setting.
It’s no wonder this commuter was so irked by the kids’ behavior.
This commenter thinks that making sure her kids aren’t spitting on strangers is the least this mom could do.
A little good ol’ fashioned parenting could have saved everyone on the bus a lot of grief.
At the end of the day, the mother wouldn’t step in, so someone else had to.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, annoying people, bad kids, kids, parenting, parenting fails, picture, poorly behaved kids, public transportation, reddit, top

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