Boyfriend And Girlfriend Were Playing A Multi-Player Farm Game Together, But When They Decided To Create Separate Farms It Led To A Big Fight
by Jayne Elliott
In today’s story, a boyfriend and girlfriend enjoy playing video games together. They even found a new game that was perfect to play together.
However, there was trouble in paradise when the girlfriend got jealous of how much her boyfriend was playing the game without her.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for getting mad at my girlfriend for destroying my farm?
Backstory: I (22M) and my girlfriend (24F) have been together for 6 years.
We both like videogames but I play more than her for the following reasons:
She gets nauseous while playing games that have a lot of camera movement.
She doesn’t have a lot of time, she works about 60 hours a week.
She doesn’t purchase games, she has to help her family with bills.
He tired to make it easier for her to play video games.
We’ve been wanting to play together for a long time so I tried helping her.
I gave her my xbox a few years ago, and last year I bought her a laptop and shared my steam account with her.
But again, she hasn’t been able to play because of the reasons mentioned earlier.
He found the perfect game for them to play together.
I bought a game called Stardew Valley for myself a couple years ago but didn’t make time to play it until I realized it had multiplayer in it, so I thought it was the perfect game for us, and it is.
I told her about it, and she didn’t think it was good because it didn’t look as pretty as Animal Crossing, but as soon as we started playing we fell in love with it.
We play maybe once or twice every week for about 1 or 2 hours.
They now have different savefiles.
I really like the game and wanted to play longer, so a couple weeks ago I told her that I was going to create a new save file so I could play by myself and she said “sure, no problem. I’ll do the same when I have time.”
So I did just that, I played on my savefile when I was alone and played with her on our shared savefile whe she was available.
The issue began this week.
She destroyed his farm.
She came to my house as I was playing, and she saw that I was advancing really fast and I had a lot of things already.
She got angry and I told her that it had nothing to do with our farm and that I still enjoyed playing with her, and I thought that was it.
Yesterday she was in my room, and I went to the kitchen to make dinner, but when I came back to the room I saw that she literally destroyed my farm.
My crops were gone, my animals were gone, my buildings were destroyed and I had no money, so a lot of hours getting those things wasted.
She had already saved so I couldn’t fix it.
They got into an argument about it.
Of course it is not the end of the world, but I was really mad so I yelled at her.
She screamed back saying that I was supposed to play with her and that I left her behind.
I told her that it was not a competition and that I was just enjoying the game, I wanted to play with her and play separately on my own farm, that is why I created two farms.
I just gave her her dinner and told her to not speak to me and we went to sleep like that.
Now he doesn’t want to play the game anymore.
Today she apologized and told me that she wants to play.
But I told her that I don’t want to play with her anymore, heck I don’t even want to play Stardew Valley anymore.
AITA for getting mad and refusing to play with her anymore?
I can understand her frustration because she doesn’t have a lot of free time, but on the other hand, she destroyed something of mine just to hurt me.
She shouldn’t have destroyed his farm, but maybe they never should’ve created separate farms. It seems like she wanted it to just be a game they played together. Surely he could play a different game when she’s not around.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
The girlfriend was acting immature.
Maybe they should break up.
What else will she destroy?
Her actions were really childish.
Another Stardew Valley fan weighs in.
She clearly wasn’t okay with him playing the game without her.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, dating, Farm, girlfriend, picture, reddit, relationships, top, video games
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