Family Member Gambled Away Money Meant For Rent, So They’re Told They Deserve The Consequences
by Diana Whelan
One daughter came home to a letter about overdue rent, only to find out that despite contributing their share, Mom has been dipping into their money and using it for personal indulgences like gambling and takeout.
In the heat of the moment, they express their anger, but now they’re questioning if they went too far.
AITA for telling my mom she deserves to be homeless?
This happened literally about an hour ago after I got home from work, so apologies if it is all over the place.
I (23f) live with my mom (53f) and my brother (26m) in a subsidized housing townhome.
For little context, my brother is unemployed and does not contribute so rent, utilities, groceries are split between my mother and I.
I get home this evening and there’s a letter from our housing group in the mailbox at our door.
It’s basically a letter telling us that we’re $3200 behind on rent and could face eviction.
I do send my mom $650 at the end of every month as our rent is just $1185 and I cover the majority of the groceries, our internet and cable plus my gas for my car.
So, your mom and brother are on the ‘you got this’ payment plan?
I decided to bring it up to her when I get inside because in my head it makes zero sense that we’re behind considering I was sending her money every month to pay my half along with hers and I believed she was paying it.
After me continuously asking how this would be possible she quietly admitted for the past 4 months she was not paying her portion and dipped into mine sometimes because there were other necessities like hydro, electricity, some groceries and transportation.
Yes, that’s costly during winter months, but she has been still buying cartons of cigarettes weekly, takeout multiple times a week and admitted she gambled quite a bit because she thought she could win extra money and cover the arrears so I would not have known, which clearly didn’t work.
Plot twist: the jackpot was eviction.
In as few words as possible I told her she’s a selfish mother, my respect for her is gone and if worst comes to worst we do get evicted, she deserves to be homeless.
Not only for lying and not telling me what was going on because I could have afforded to pay more of the rent and utilities on my own to lighten any burden if she had just said something earlier.
But to spend yours and your kids rent money on gambling and many of your own wants selfishly instead of keeping a roof over your own head or just asking for help is rock bottom and you more so deserve whatever happens at this point because we now cannot afford to pay it back.
I have my boyfriend I can stay with if anything happens, but her and my brother are on their own.
The only reason I feel like I was a little bit of an AH is because I truly know how expensive life is right now and telling my own mother she deserves to be homeless might be inconsiderate in a time where she could really be struggling.
She may need help, but it’s not the kind she thinks.
But the anger I feel is overtaking any sympathy I have right now and I just want to know if my reaction was just possibly overkill?
Sometimes tough love is necessary, but it’s easy to feel conflicted afterward.
Reddit is on her side 100%.
This person says Mom totally deserves what she got.
This person says she should probably move out.
And this person points out the lack of communication. Like, DO BETTER.
Mom might need help, but that doesn’t mean she gets to gamble with her daughter’s future.
That seems as if it could be obvious.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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