His Girlfriend’s Friend Changed Her Name To “Queen,” But He Refuses To Use It Since It Seems She Has An Ulterior Motive
by Mila Cardozo
Usually, kids use titles when they’re playing pretend, just for fun.
In this case, someone legally (and seriously) changed her name to “Queen” and is now demanding her old friends call her by her new name.
But one person feels awkward about the whole thing, and is now wondering if he’s in the wrong for feeling this way.
Let’s analyze the situation.
AITA for refusing to call me friend by her new name, “Queen”?
My partner’s friend (25 years old, female) socially changed her name from the name her mom gave her to a name she chose for herself.
She is cisgender, by the way. Her name change is due to her wanting to reinvent herself.
And her new name, Queen, reflects how she thinks of herself and how she wants others to see her.
Oh, Lord.
Her social media usernames and profiles reflect her new name, and people she’s met in the past few years call her by the name she’s introduced herself as.
I’d be glad to support her in the autonomy she seeks by naming herself.
But my issue is that she wants everyone to call her Queen.
It feels as if she did this with a goal in mind.
Within the friend group, I notice that sometimes her old friends slip up and call her by her given name.
But you can see that it doesn’t sit well with her.
Sometimes she’ll politely correct, but not within larger groups.
Sometimes her friends self-correct and call her Queen.
This has got to be awkward.
Since, “Queen” and “King” are used as terms of praise, reverence, and endearment, I am very hesitant to call this person “Queen”.
I simply don’t feel that way about her.
“Not my queen!”
That says, if she tells a funny joke, or I’m fondly greeting her, it’s easy to call her Queen.
It just doesn’t feel like a name to me. It feels more like a title.
I don’t feel right calling my peer Queen.
If she were to change her name to a name that means queen, like Reina, I wouldn’t experience any unease with calling her such.
She was very bold.
I avoid using any name to refer to her.
If I do use a name, I try to say Queen but if I’m not in a good mood or if I’m annoyed with her, I don’t bring myself to say it.
I asked if I can call her “Q” and she said: “no, my name is Queen”.
Perhaps I would feel differently if it were a stage name.
Giving such a name to oneself and being offended when people forget it is suspicious, indeed.
Let’s see what Reddit’s take is on this situation.
A reader shares their opinion.
This commenter shares their thoughts.
This one got me.
Two things can be true at once.
I agree.
Another reader adds to the conversation.
I can hear her ego inflating every time someone calls her by her new name from here.
But look on the bright side: She could have changed her name to Master or Your-Honor.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad, drama, entitled, friend, friendship, FUNNY, name change, narcissism, people, picture, reddit, top

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