Neighbors Go To Great Lengths To Assert Control Over A Homeowners’ Property, But One Yard Sign Has The Last Word
by Laura Ornella
Some people live life needing constant control.
Take this Redditor’s neighbors, for example. Read how far they go to control a property that isn’t even theirs!
They didn’t know it at the time, but they messed with the wrong family!
Read the full story below.
A Sign of the End
Okay, so this is my mother’s petty revenge on some neighbours, and the situation is still ongoing. I’ll update if anything interesting happens.
My parents live in the middle of our town, but their house is surrounded by about an acre of forest/wood. This part of the property has never been developed or anything. It’s always been wild and my parents like it that way (this is relevant).
Their house is also at the top of a hill, and their property extends down the hill, to where it flattens out. There’s a street down the hill and a few of the houses there have backyards that face my parents’ property.
But their neighbors had a bone to pick about this property.
The issue has been one set of neighbours down the hill, who have been a thorn to my parents for a few years now.
Their favourite move has been to call by-law on my family. They don’t talk to my parents first about the issues. They go straight to our city’s by-law.
Here are a few examples…
Once because the previous owners of their house had illegally dumped a boat on my parents property, and my parents had to pay to remove it.
And another time, because there was a tree that had to be removed (I can’t remember the exact reasons it had to be taken down) which cost my parents $5K to do so.
Obviously, this has not endeared these people to my parents.
But this is when it gets good…
Recently, my parents found out that the neighbours had whipper-snipped a swath of my parents’ property.
For reference, the neighbours have a fence around their property, so it’s not like they accidentally went a little too far in the maintenance of their own property.
This became the straw that broke the camel’s back, or rather, my parents tolerance for their garbage.
After a quick check with by-law, because they knew that the neighbours would be on the phone to them immediately, my parents bought a No Trespassing sign, one that is the exact maximum size allow by our city.
The bright red monstrosity is 2 by 3 feet.
That sign went right up — in full view.
My mother and brother went down the hill and installed it, fully on my parents’ property, facing the neighbours’ backyard.
So every time they are in their backyard, or even look out the back, it’s right there. In all its petty glory.
Did I mention you can also see it from the road?
I’m sure not only all of their neighbours and visitors can see it, but anyone walking or driving past can see it (my sister may have changed her daily dog walk path to go past it, so she can laugh. We’re all petty in my family).
And then the neighbors noticed…
Within 24 hours of it going up, my parents received a letter from the neighbours, one that included a whole pile of excuses and deflection.
The tree they [had been] forced to remove had made weeds grow, so they had to weedwhack my parents’ property.
There was a gate in their fence, so they thought they were allowed to go on the property.
They wish my parents had talked to them first about the issue (which made my mom angry laugh).
And their secrets started coming out, too.
It also included several things they’d done on the property that my parents hadn’t known about, which just annoyed my parents further.
And [it] was also stupid of them, because they just admitted to destroying property and trespassing, on a letter they signed and dated.
The letter asked that my parents take the sign down.
While my father (who can be a softie) was considering it, my mother said no. And she’ll be the one dealing with them. She has no intention of taking the sign down, and legally, she doesn’t have to.
So now, we’re just waiting for the neighbours to show up to talk, which we know they will, as they mentioned it in their letter.
Oh, but have they met Dragon Lady Mode? Not yet…
And now, they get to face my mother, who has what we call “Dragon Lady Mode,” where she goes quiet, calm, and her anger is as cold as ice.
The last time she was this annoyed with someone, it ended with that person being forced to resign from our local school board because of her.
I hope I’m there when the neighbours find out that my mother is a petty, clever, vindictive dragon.
Does Reddit think these nosy neighbors need to stop? Let’s read the comments below to find out more.
Redditors questioned just how far this family could take this petty revenge.
They also mentioned that the police might need to stop by.
Another story was requested from one user.
And finally, one reader warned everyone about “Momma’s” Dragon Lady powers.
These neighbors seem to have no idea what Dragon Lady Mode entails.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · homeowner drama, nosy neighbors, petty revenge, picture, private property, reddit, rude neighbors, top, trespassing

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