This Couple Was Late To A Brunch, But When He Entered The Train Just In Time And His Wife Didn’t, He Decided To Wait For Her At The Restaurant
by Mila Cardozo
There’s no way around it: some people only learn the hard way.
In this man’s case, he needed an awkward brunch and a very upset wife in order to learn that he shouldn’t leave his spouse behind.
Now he’s asking the internet to help him understand the situation.
Let’s read the story.
AITA for not waiting for my wife at the next subway station after I got on the train, and the doors closed before she got on?
So basically, wife and I were in a rush to catch our subway train to go to a brunch with my parents at our favorite restaurant.
We were already 10 minutes late, and my parents are always super punctual and I didn’t want to keep them waiting any longer for us.
As we approach the escalator down to our subway platform, I can hear our train approaching.
So, I tell my wife that we need to catch the train, and we both hurry down the escalator, me in front of her.
Holding hands, though, right?
When we got to the bottom, I heard the subway door chimes, indicating that the doors were about to close.
So, I rushed into the train at the last moment, but my wife was left on the platform.
All I can do is nod in disapproval.
I thought, ‘okay, well this sucks that I made the train but my wife didn’t’.
‘But it’s not really a big deal because we both know exactly where we are going, and it’s only 5 stops away, so I will just meet her at the restaurant.’
(I don’t get any cell service underground, so we couldn’t communicate with each other)
So I arrive at the restaurant alone and greet my parents, who immediately question me about where my wife is.
Oh, really?
I told them what happened, and they didn’t really seem to think much of it.
But when she gets there 20 minutes later, she is all angry at me for not getting off the train at the next stop and waiting for her there, then getting on that train and continuing together.
This is what a reliable partner does.
It made for a bit of an uncomfortable brunch, because we could all tell there was tension.
She had all right to feel upset. I hope the internet helped this oblivious soul.
Let’s see what Redditors had to say about this situation.
A commenter shares their thoughts.
This person breaks it down.
Someone shares their point of view on the matter.
Another commenter chimes in.
This commenter mentions a few important points to consider.
Now he is indefinitely in debt to his wife.
I doubt it was worth it.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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