Woman Was Being Rude To A Bartender And Threw Her ID At Him, So When She Tried To Order Drinks He Refused Because Her ID Was Expired
by Heide Lazaro
It pays to be kind to the bartender, but if you’re rude, you might not get what you want.
This man shares an experience with 5 women who came into the bar he was working.
One of them was very rude and didn’t even want to show him her ID before ordering a drink.
He found a way to get even.
Read the story below for the full details.
“I’ll let you know when I’m ready.” OK…
A few years ago, I worked as a bartender in a college town.
For the most part, the work was fun and easy—except for the constant standing.
And I made good tips because I was always pleasant and engaging.
They have a strict policy on IDs.
Now, our establishment had a hard line on IDs, because we often saw a lot of underage kids.
So the rule was: No valid ID, no drinking.
We could not accept an expired ID or a student ID or a concealed carry permit or anything similar.
Driver’s license, state-issued ID card, or military ID. That was it!
We had people try to use Social Security Cards, prison IDs, and all sorts of stuff.
We were known as the most hard-line place in town for checking IDs.
A group of women came in.
One night, a few minutes before midnight, a group of five women came in. All in their late 20s or early 30s.
These women came to the bar, sat down, and asked for a drink menu.
I handed them over, and asked each of them for their ID.
No problem, so far.
One of them did not show her ID yet.
Four of them handed over their IDs.
And I put wristbands on them so that management would know that I’d already carded them.
One, however, did not show me her ID.
Instead, she said, “I don’t want a drink yet. I’ll let you know when I’m ready” in the most condescending voice possible.
That woman started complaining about the food and the service.
The five ordered food from the kitchen.
And I took care of the drink orders for the four who had been carded.
The woman who didn’t show me her ID complained about the slow service from the kitchen and the quality of the food.
(It was pub food, lady. I don’t know what she expected from tater tots and chicken fingers.)
And generally ran the place down to her friends and made an incredible mess on the bar while she was eating.
After a while, she said she was ready to order her drink.
When she was finished eating, she snapped her fingers at me to get my attention.
She said, “I’ll have a drink now,” and ordered.
I asked again, politely, for her ID.
With a huff, she pulled it from her purse and flung it across the bar at me.
I picked it up from where it had landed, atop the beer cooler and looked at it.
Birthdate, photo, and, oh, wait! I looked at the clock, and it was nine minutes past midnight.
After seeing her ID, he refused to serve her any drink.
I handed the ID back to her and shook my head.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “Your ID expired yesterday. I can’t serve you.”
She was livid, and demanded a manager.
When he showed up, he looked at her expired ID, looked at my evil grin, and told the woman: “I’m sorry, but Bob’s in charge of the bar tonight. Your ID is expired. We can’t serve you.”
I bet that woman regretted not showing her ID earlier!
Let’s read the reactions from other people about this on Reddit.
This user loves the story.
Here’s another fan.
It’s the law, says this person.
People are happy with the ending.
See? They just love it!
When karma comes back really fast, there’s pretty much nothing you can do about it.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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