January 12, 2025 at 6:49 pm

Woman With 2,000 Email Subscriptions Shows A New Gmail Feature That Gives Users An Easy Way To Unsubscribe

by Ashley Ashbee

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

Managing email subscriptions is a complete chore, but it’s necessary to keep you focused while in your inbox or getting email alerts.

TikToker @wordstolivebygirl shares an “easy way” to do that in her viral video.

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

Currently, the way to remove subscriptions and remove subscription mail is to use Gmail search, type in “unsubscribe” and then choose the “Check all” function and do it over and over again until they’re all gone.

But that doesn’t remove the subscription. You have to open each email to do that.

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

TikToker @wordstolivebygal reveals a new Gmail feature that will simplify the unsubscribe process.

She asks in here overlay text, “Am I the only one (who has access to this)?”

She discovered it “while I was trying to find an email.”

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

“I scroll down here and see “Managed subscriptions.”

She ends the video by saying, “It’s an easy way to unsubscribe. Genius.”

The feature has not yet been rolled out to all users.

Watch the full clip.


Am I the only one? #mindblown #fyp #subscriptions #easy #cleanup #google #gmail

♬ original sound – Tiffany | Words to live by gal

Here is what people are saying.

Neither am I! Fingers crossed it isn’t long.

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

This would be so handy!

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

So computers are uncool now? What’s next? We talk down to people who like toast?

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

What’s with all the Gmail shade? People are so catty.

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

Same here. I went into the label settings and it was turned off, but when I turned it on it’s still not there.

Source: TikTok/@wordstolivebygal

Well, that was disappointing.

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