An Awful Neighbor Keyed Their Mom’s Car, So They Flattened Her Tires And Scratched Up Her Vehicle
by Matthew Gilligan
That’s pretty low, lady!
Keying someone else’s car?
There’s gotta be some payback for that, right?
I sure think so!
Check out how this person got back at a real creep who was trashy enough to key their mom’s car.
Start now!
Don’t mess with a person’s car.
“I live in an apartment complex, with a parking at the ground floor of the building.
Bear in mind, this is my secondary residence for the weekdays, I stay with my family about a couple hours away during the weekends.
Anyways, my employer rented me a 3 bedroom apartment in this building, considering that they accounted for my entire family staying with me, which they don’t, they stay at our own house a couple hours away.
I’m given two parking spots in the buildings parking lot.
Normally, I only use one because I drive over Monday mornings and drive back during the weekends to see my family.
The other spot is mostly unused, but there’s more than enough spots in this parking lot for all the residents in this building.
So given that my second spot is mostly unused, an opportunistic neighbor of mine decided to start using my spot because it’s got better shade than her parking spot.
I’ll be frank, I didn’t realize this until recently.
There was about to be a problem.
Recently however, I invited my mum to stay over with me for a week, and she came separately in her own car.
To my surprise, when she arrived she said that our second spot was already occupied.
I inquired with the security and sure enough, he checked the number plate of the car in question, and it belonged to my neighbor.
So he called my neighbor to respectfully move her car into her designated spot.
She didn’t pick up the phone, so the security guard had to climb upstairs and knock on her door to bring her downstairs.
Now here’s where she turns into a total *****.
Instead of obliging (I’m not expecting an apology, which she is liable to give me), she starts arguing with the security guard.
What’s the big deal?
He said that he’s following the rules and he doesn’t really have a say regarding this.
She reluctantly comes down to the parking lot and gives me the nastiest stare.
She hesitates but eventually moves her car to her spot, so that my mum could park (bear in mind my mum is just waiting in her car all along for my neighbor to move her car).
Anyways, my neighbor then continues arguing with the security guard (bless him for actually listening to her), but we didn’t stick around.
Me and my mum went to our apartment to get on with our lives.
This was way over the line!
When my mum was leaving to go back home, she was horrified to see that her car had been keyed up really bad.
Now in that time frame, the only people that could’ve entered our parking lot is the security guards and our other neighbors.
I’m on great terms with all my other neighbors, except the one mentioned in this post.
So there’s a lot of reason to believe that she was responsible for this incident.
When my mum reported the damage to me I was outraged.
For absolutely no reason, my mum’s car was damaged (it’s not like we did anything wrong, we got back a parking spot that was rightfully ours).
So of course, to teach this lady a lesson, I decided to damage her car.
Two can play at this game!
In the following days, I brought out my tools, and I left some really bad scratches on her front driver side bumper.
But I still felt that wasn’t enough, so I decided to completely deflate two of her tires.
I did this after I came back from work, under the pretense that I was checking on my own car.
Sweet revenge was served.
Needless to say, she was horrified the next day.
She had to get her car towed, which I graciously saw over my balcony.
And she was panicking because she was gonna be extremely late to get to work.
I smiled whilst watching this, almost feeling like a supervillain (but not really, because she deserved it).
My neighbor probably knows it’s me, but hasn’t pulled a stunt back at me.
And that’s my story behind why you never mess with another person’s car.”
Check out how Reddit users reacted.
This reader had a lot to say.
Another individual offered a tip.
This person shared their thoughts.
Another reader shared a story.
And this person chimed in.
Karma is real, folks!
And sometimes it shows up right on time.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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