Any Time Your Phone Takes An Update There Are Changes That Take Getting Used To, But This iPhone User Warns Of Concerning Changes In iOS 18
by Michael Levanduski
Apple is constantly innovating and coming up with new things for their products.
Many of these upgrades come in the form of software updates, but not everyone is happy about them, including this TikToker who recently upgraded to iOS 18.
She starts off the video by saying, “First of all, if you have not updated to the new iOS 18, do it hesitantly.”
She goes on to explain some of the changes that she is worried about, “And here is why. One, when you are on the phone with somebody, you can push a button that is right up here, you can record the whole entire conversation and it sends it to your notes. Ok, so be careful with what you say.”
Honestly, that is a pretty good feature. I would love to be able to record important conversations.
She goes on, “Two. You screen share with somebody, there is a button that you can click, or they can click, and you can control everything on your side of the phone. So you better hope that you don’t got nothing nasty in your phone and you ain’t cheating on your girl.”
Well, I’m certainly not worried about that, so no big deal.
The video wraps up with her saying, “There are so many other things on that update, but wow. Watch it.”
I updated my phone recently and haven’t had any issues, but it is always good to know about these things.
I’m sure these ‘features’ are mentioned in the update notes.
Check out the full video below.
@beingkindle This is your warning.. all you unfaithful people out there, you’re about to be caught! #ios18 #iphone #iphoneios18 #iphonetricks #warning #iphonetipsandtricks
Read on to see what the people in the comments think about this.
This person says her phone updated automatically without even being plugged in.
Here is someone who says it notifies both parties if one of them wants to record.
Here is someone complaining about the update to the photos on iOS 18.
Personally, I really like the update.
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