Impatient Driver Honked At Pedestrian When He Was In A Crosswalk, So They Tossed Some Screws On The Pavement To Teach Them A Lesson
by Matthew Gilligan
This kind of stuff drives me nuts…
I’m talking about people who honk their car horns at folks walking in crosswalks and who lay on the horn a millisecond after a traffic light turns green.
It’s so annoying!
But it sounds like this fella came up with a good way to back at folks like this…
Read his story below and see what you think.
Refuse to yield to a pedestrian crossing, enjoy a flat tire.
“I get this story may be a bit extreme for the level I was wronged but I figured I would post it anyway.
I was exiting a Culver’s and crossing the parking lot when a red Audi came out of the drive thru as I started walking out.
I want to add that there was a clearly marked crosswalk in the parking lot for people exiting the restraint on foot.
What’s your problem?
He started honking at me to move out of the way, when I was crossing before he even moved forward.
This crossing zone was stretched which ment I spent a lot of time in his path.
Normally I would of just moved out of the way but he kept honking at me like he had the right of way because he was in a car.
Take that!
To give you some context I work for a mechanical company in the area and I often make it a habit to stash unused screws in my coat pockets to throw away later or use on another project.
So feeling malicious, I reached into my pocket and put my hand behind my back and dropped them onto the pavement.
By this point I was at honk 5 so I darted to the other side so the idiot could get by.
Is there a problem, sir?
Once he did I quickly picked up 3 screws from the pavement so I didn’t give anyone else any flat tires and I got in my car and left.
Maybe a block down the road the guy was pulled over with his hazards on and was out of his car looking at his front left tire.
I felt like blowing him a kiss but I did not want to add insult to injury and honestly I really did not want to give him any ammunition against me since I was driving a company truck with my company’s name on the side.”
Pedestrians have the right of way. That driver was incredibly rude.
Reddit users shared their thoughts.
This person shared a story.
Another individual chimed in.
This reader spoke up.
Another reader was impressed.
And this individual had a story to tell.
This is why we all need to relax and take a deep breath.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · driver, flat tire, parking lot, pedestrian, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, road rage, top

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