Sister-In-Law Guilt-Trips A Toddler To Try To Get Invited On Family Trips, But When It Doesn’t Work She Suggests Taking The Toddler With Her On Another Vacation Without The Parents
by Diana Whelan
Planning family trips with a toddler is no easy feat, but this couple has found a way to make vacations enjoyable for both themselves and their 3-year-old daughter.
However, their sister-in-law and mother-in-law have been stirring up drama—first demanding to join their trips and now pushing to take the toddler on a holiday without her parents.
Read on for the full story.
AITA for not letting my daughter (3f) go on holiday with my in-laws?
We like to do a few short trips during school holidays instead of a big vacation once a year.
SIL and MIL tagged along once on such a trip (1 week, sunny destination, 2 hours flight).
Sister-in-law is now mad because we booked a new trip without her, according to her she also needs a vacation and we knew that.
It can be hard traveling with extended family.
The problem is, going on vacation together was fun, but more difficult than when I go on vacation with just my wife and daughter (3f).
They do not take into account the fact that a child is on vacation with us.
We arrange everything in terms of accommodation/activities so that we as parents have a nice vacation, but it is also fun for our daughter.
Some extra planning and a certain structure in advance makes for an easier vacation with a child.
The SIL tried to get the 3-year-old on her side.
First SIL tried to manipulate or guilt trip our daughter (don’t know the right word) to be allowed to go on vacation with us.
“Why can’t I go on holiday with you”, “Auntie would also like to fly again”, “Auntie thinks it’s sad that she can’t go with you” are just a few comments that I heard her say to our daughter.
I explicitly told her that she shouldn’t do that to a child and that it is also very hurtful for us and her.
This sounds like a bad idea.
SIL’s next idea blew me away: She suggested to a 3-year-old to go on holiday with her and the grandmother (SIL and MIL) without us.
Who tells or suggests something like that to a child?
I hate being cornered like that, as parents we have to disappoint our child because SIL doesn’t have the sense to keep her mouth shut..
Those people are also not suited to go on holiday alone with a child because they only think of themselves.
It sounds like all they do is complain.
Last time (daughter was 2) they were already nagging about the following things: Didn’t want to go to lunch at 12.00 because they weren’t hungry, didn’t listen to the fact that daughter was hungry.
Complaining because we didn’t want to go to an evening market at 20.00 and we were already putting our daughter to bed.
Didn’t want to play in the pool because splashing water was too cold. Etc.
It sounds stressful.
They claim that we as parents would then also have a week of rest, but I think the opposite would be true.
We would be exhausted from the stress for a week and wouldn’t sleep.
I don’t like that idea, my wife doesn’t like that idea, but my SIL and MIL are making us feel guilty to do it anyway.
I don’t know what to say anymore. AITA not to let our daughter go?
SIL’s guilt tactics and wild suggestions didn’t earn her any sympathy—and definitely not a vacation buddy.
Let’s see what Reddit thought about this story.
This person has a good response that will shut them up real quick.
This person is pretty strongly opinionated on OP’s side.
And this person thinks the family is wildly entitled.
Delusion doesn’t deserve a plane ticket.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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