Sister Keeps Interrupting Sibling Who Is Trying To Sleep, So The Next Day The Sibling Hides All Of The Lightbulbs
by Jayne Elliott
It’s important to be well rested before an important test, and the person who tells this story was determined to get a good night sleep.
The problem is the sister won’t keep walking in the room and turning on the lights!
The next day, it was time to get back at the sister before leaving to take the test.
Let’s see how it all plays out.
Sister Wouldn’t Turn The Lights Off When I Was Trying To Sleep… So I Enacted Some Petty Revenge
This event happened the night before my school started finals, so I decided to go to bed a bit early that night.
My sister (M) on the other hand; she had on all the lights in the house (with the excuse she was walking around a bunch), excluding the one in my room.
You’d think, ‘oh, she left your light off so your room is dark and you can sleep!’, well, yes and no.
She did more than just leave the lights on.
M’s lights were so bright that then flooded under my door and cast a dim light, which was directly in my face.
Not so bad, I could still sleep.
Then, M walks into my room, snaps the lights on and proclaims loudly: “I need your hot glue gun!”
I have three hot glue guns and I tiredly give her one, hoping she’d leave.
She didn’t.
She did this more than once.
She kept barging into my room ask demanding my things (Including but not limited to: My expensive pens, some paper, scissors, and my good X-Acto knife.)
I was way too tired to deal with her so I gave her everything but my X-Acto knife (It’s one of my most important possessions).
She was huffy after I told her no to the knife, but she didn’t take it anyway.
She finally locked M out.
The last straw was her coming into my room at 3 AM, two hours before I had to be up.
I had enough.
I locked my door, took out my lightbulb, and went to sleep.
My alarm goes off at 5:30 AM, and I get up, a sleepy plan in my head.
Where did all the lightbulbs go?
I get out of my room and look around.
M was asleep (as well as everyone else in the house), so I took my my shower, got dressed, and before I woke up M, I enact my revenge.
I went around the house and took out all the lightbulbs from the lamps and ceiling fans and bathrooms, even taking the extra box we kept in the pantry.
I hid them all in my closet and wrote a note to my parents telling them where the bulbs were and not to tell M.
I promptly wake M up and listen to her bumble around in the dark and trip over our couch. 🙂
That’s hilarious and well deserved revenge. M was incredibly rude to keep waking up OP.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.
This person would’ve locked the door a lot earlier.
This is a very good question.
This person loved the revenge.
Another person wouldn’t have been this patient.
Talk about a lightbulb idea!
This was the best possible response.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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