The Demand For Certain Trending Items At Dollar Tree Is Off The Charts, And This Shopper Shares What’s Happening At The Stores | “I Didn’t Want To Believe It, But They Are Right!”
by Michael Levanduski
There have been a number of videos on TikTok recently about Dollar Tree employees grabbing all the best items for themselves.
This TikToker just had an experience where an employee snatched up every ‘Lit Mask’ from the shelf right in front of her.
She started out her video by talking about someone else’s video where they got into an argument with a Dollar Tree employee who took all of the hand sanitizers that she wanted. She was saying that she didn’t believe this was actually happened, but now it happened to her. She explains, “It happened to me, and I’m going to tell you my experience with it, and its not with the hand sanitizers.”
She goes on to say that she goes to multiple Dollar Tree locations and when she was at her favorite spot when she says what happened, “I said, Hey, have you seen these little Lenage Lit Mask Dups by Beauty Intuition?” The employee replies, “I haven’t, but we just got our truck yesterday, we’ll go look together.”
The employee walked her around looking for them, and they got lucky.
Once they find them, the story gets interesting, “Low and behold, they are all hanging there, in their glory on a rack.” The problem, however, is what the employee does next. She explains, “She takes it off (the hook) before me” She then says, “So this is the hype, this is what everybody has been asking me about?” She goes on to say, “This woman grabbed every single one. There was between 3 and 5 of each scent.”
So the employee just grabbed them all and took them back behind the counter? That is crazy.
In the video, she says that apparently, some employees buy the hot items with their discount and then resell them on places like Facebook Marketplace. I’m shocked that Dollar Tree allows that. She wraps up the video saying, “I didn’t want to believe it, but they are right!”
That is insane that this is happening. I wonder how much these employees are making on popular items.
Watch the full video to get the entire story.
@tiktocksister Dollar Tree Worker Straight Up HOARDING the Viral Finds! #creatorsearchinsights #dollartree #viralvideo #mystory
Read what the people in the comments say about this as well.
This person says she is still looking for the hand sanitizer.
This person says the employees in her area are hoarding cardboard cat houses.
It is fine to grab one as an employee but to grab them all is over the top.
Who knew that anything at Dollar Tree was that great.
Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · discounts, dollar tree, Dollartree, employee discount, hand sanitizer, hoarding, stock, tiktok, top, video, viral, viral finds

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