February 1, 2025 at 7:21 am

Her Neighbor Refused To Turn Down His Music In The Middle Of The Night, So This Woman Hatched A Plan That Used Nature To Get Revenge

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When you live in a crowded neighborhood, it is good to try to get along with everyone to keep the peace.

What would you do if you had a neighbor who was constantly blasting music in the middle of the night, and wouldn’t stop even when the police issued him tickets?

That is what happened to the woman in this story, so she started spreading bird seed around his house so the birds would keep him up all day when he was trying to sleep.

Check it out.

I delivered revenge like a Disney princess

So, here in my block we have this neighbor who is just the combination of every bad neighbor habit.

To make things more visual, we’re mainly talking about half a block here, the majority of the houses are two stories.

Except the one in the middle that is a car detailing and accessories store, so this store’s roof, makes every house on this half block visible to each other.

So, the major complaint is the noise, this guy blasts trash music all day long, which would not be a problem if this guy respected the volume and time allowed.

He needs to get some headphones. Or just turn it down.

Everyone in the block has called the police because of the noise after 12am at least once.

When my family called the police (at 3am) the police told us that the sound had already exceeded the permitted decibels since before the street began.

But I guess money is not a problem for this guy, because he keeps doing it.

Since everybody was calling the police on him because of the noise, he decided to call the police because of the noise of a newborn baby crying (when the policemen arrived they told the guy to stop wasting their time, so that was a mini-win).

Besides, this guy’s also a creep, that keep staring through every window.

Wow, what a creep.

The majority of the neighbors had installed tinted windows or curtains because of this particular guy.

I literally couldn’t enjoy sunlight because this dude kept staring at my window whenever my underaged sister was on the room.

Obviously there’s more, but this were the major complaints. Cue the revenge.

Since this dude is used to be awake during the night blasting terrible music, he sleeps basically all morning, and absolutely hates birds chirping because it wakes him up.

You can literally hear him complaining and closing the windows when the birds start singing.

So I decided to plan based on that.

I asked every neighbor if they were ok with the birds chirping.

The majority said they love it.

Then I asked the detailing store if I could scatter some seeds on their roof to attract birds.

The owner said ABSOLUTELY YES, because the guy threw trash at the store’s roof, so every single week the owner had to clean the gutters.

Oh, I bet he hates that!

So, I started scattering the seeds everyday at 5am ok the store’s roof, and in less than 1 week, I have a full army of birds.

I also started putting things like leaves, twigs, dog hair, and other things so the birds could build nests nearby.

In my window there’s also water for the birdies.

Now, the most delicious part of my revenge, was when I decided the birds needed a little treat.

I have a friend that breeds insects for people to feed their exotic pets, so I asked him for 100 crickets to feed the birds.

He gave me an amazing discount and the next day, I was also scattering crickets in that roof.

The birds started eating the crickets, but obviously they couldn’t eat them all, so the rest of the dozens of crickets that escaped, ran to the nearest shelter.

The idiot’s open balcony.

You may think “couldn’t he just off the birds or something?”

That worked out perfectly.

Well, he tried, but the odds are in our favor, because the birds that come chirping on his windows are PROTECTED BY AMBIENTAL LAW, so if he tries to harm them, he’ll pay a much more expensive fine then the sound pollution one.

Now, my block is the only place in the ghetto where you can wake up everyday like a Disney princess, with more than 30 birds chirping, and the sounds of a very distressed evil neighbor.

That is some epic revenge since you not only make the bad neighbor mad, but you bring in some beautiful birds to the neighborhood.

Let’s see what the people in the comments say about this story.

That would be so funny.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Crows can be vindictive.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This would take things to the next level.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Here is someone who loved the revenge.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person thinks that this was a very happy story.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This is the best kind of revenge.

If you like birds, anyway.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.