A Customer Had A Mysterious USB Stick On Their Keys, But When He Plugged in It Things Got Even Weirder
by Ben Auxier
Before we dive into this story, I want to be clear, the thing this guy does is a bad idea.
You should absolutely not be sticking random USB sticks from strangers into your devices.
It could be loaded with malware, ransomware, or in some cases, even little high-voltage capacitors that will fry your PC.
But dang it all, TikTok user @krusenmotors just couldn’t resist.
So I was making a key FOB for these,” he says, displaying a set of items on a keychain.
“And realized this has a USB drive on it.
So, of course, I plugged it in,”
I’m not sure if that’s an “of course” kind of thing, but ok bud.
“And this pops up.”
A folder emerges with two files; one appears to be a .pdf, and the other a Word Doc titled:
“So, of course, I opened it, and this shows up.”
Within the doc is one hyperlinked line of text that reads:
“Do not press”
“And, it’s a YouTube link.
So, of course, I opened it, and… yeah.”
@krusenmotors Lesson learned. Don’t open random usb sticks
But seriously, a RickRoll is the absolute BEST case scenario here.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
That is, if WE THE AUDIENCE aren’t the ones being trolled:
If it was a test, you failed.
Stay cyber safe out there!
If you liked that story, check out this video about a mom who reveals the inappropriate healthcare questionnaire her 13-year-old daughter got at school.

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