A New Manager Came In And Cut Her Hours, But This Pizza Franchise Worker Saw The New Manager Stealing And Got Him Fired
by Michael Levanduski

When working in restaurants, you will be handling a lot of money, so it is important to be trustworthy.
What would you do if you had a new manager who came in and cut your hours and hired someone else for a position you wanted, and then you found out that they were stealing?
That is what happened to the shift lead in this story, so she called up the franchise owner and got him fired.
You’re not going to want to miss this one.
Caught managers stealing, ended up with a hefty raise.
This happened a few years ago.
When I was 16, I got my first job working for a franchise owned pizza place.
I worked there until I was 24.
When I was 19, I received the shift leader position and got a .30 cent raise.
Our store was pretty slow and we only had a handful of employees there, so I understood.
One day the franchise owner comes in when I’m running my shift to tell me I would be getting a new manager.
He clearly trusts her a lot.
The franchise owner gave me his personal number and said if I needed anything, to call him if the new manager had any problems.
So the next day I’m working my 10 am to 12 am shift and the new manager comes in. We’ll call him Stan.
We talk a little more and he asks why there isn’t an assistant manger, I let him know we probably don’t make enough to pay an assistant manager.
He said he would worry about that and he left.
I jumped to the conclusion that he was going to make me the assistant.
I closed that night and had to come in at 4pm the next day.
When I did, Stan was there with a girl I’ve never seen before wearing one of our uniforms.
He said it was his roommate “Wendy”.
She had never worked for a pizza place before but she just lost her job.
Wow, what a jerk.
He hired her as the assistant manager and completely changed my schedule and severely cut my hours.
Oh, and guess who had to train her? Yep.
Before Stan and Wendy, I worked 10a to 12a 4 days a week, then 4 to close on two other days.
Now I just had 4p to 12a 5 days a week. No more overtime.
That severely hurt me financially but I sucked it up.
This place was pretty much in my back yard and I loved my job before all this mess.
The next couple of weeks are okay except we are coming up short every night that I close.
Usually no more than 10$ but that’s a lot!
And it was coming back on me because I’m the one who does the nightly inventory, paperwork, and deposits.
I brought the shortage problem to Stan and he told me if it kept happening he would start taking it from my check!
I had Never stolen a penny from this place and I felt pretty attacked.
He says he wasn’t accusing me, just letting me know what he would have to do.
I said fine. Every day from now on, when I close I want to do a shift change.
A shift change is basically counting down the drawers, which would help figure out where the shortages are coming from.
He agrees.
The Very Next Day I go in at 4 and start clocking in and all that fun stuff before Wendy leaves.
I look at the order screen for the day to see how well we did for lunch (money wise) and I notice something.
It said at 12 a customer( just happened to be one of my regulars) called and ordered 10 pizzas for pick up.
It said the order was cancelled.
That is weird.
They had never cancelled before so I was concerned.
Btw I was in the back office counting the drawers, Wendy was covering the front.
I pick up the phone and call the customer from earlier.
I didn’t ask why he cancelled.
I asked how his experience was today since we had a new manager.
He said it was fine except she needed to learn how to work the credit card machine.
Apparently she told him she could only take cash.
He said he left, went to the atm and came back and paid 80 in cash for the pizzas.
He said other than that, everything was fine.
I asked to confirm and he said he most definitely didn’t cancel.
Yeah right, that seems very unlikely.
So here’s one possibility.
The credit card machine did go down and she could only accept cash so she cancelled the order in the computer until he came back and paid, and she just forgot to ring it up again.
That would be harmless.
Instead, I think she’s stealing.
I knew if I went to Stan he wouldn’t do anything about it so I call our franchise owner “Eric”.
I ask his opinion and he said he thinks I’m right.
So, he tells me what to do.
First, I wasn’t allowed to say a word about it to Stan or Wendy.
He said let Wendy leave and finish out the day as usual.
He said if she’s not stealing, you will come up 80 over at the end of the night.
If she’s stealing, we should break even.
Oh, she is in trouble.
I finished counting. We were one dollar short.
The next day is when the magic happens.
I go in at 4 as usual. Wendy is there waiting for Stan to pick her up.
Then Eric walks in.
He tells her to follow her to the office and tells me to send Stan back when he gets here.
Stan comes in and asks why Eric is there. I shrug and tell him he’s wanted in the office.
Maybe 20 mins later, Stan walks out, brushes past me and gets in his car.
Wendy comes out next and tells me she hopes I’m happy.
Eric hadn’t come out of the office yet so I went back there to talk to him.
He said in three weeks they stole over 1,000 between them and he would have never known if it wasn’t for me.
Well deserved.
He then says, oh you’re the new assistant manager, I’m gonna give you 13/hr and we will consider more after a preliminary period.
13/hr. I was making 8.50 before this.
I stayed a few more years after this and left to do the mom thing.
I actually miss it sometimes.
Well done, he should have made her the full manager.
Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say about this story.
I agree with this commenter.
Yeah, it is an empty threat, or illegal to do.
That is a clever scam.
She deserved to be the manager.
Thank goodness it all worked out.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · accounting, assistant manager, employee theft, malicious compliance, manager, money, picture, pizza, promotion, reddit, theft, top

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