Customer Wanted To Pay In Cash, But An Oblivious Cashier Didn’t Know How To Take Their Payment Without A Card
by Chelsea Mize

We all know the headache of trying to pay on credit card machines. Tap, swipe, insert… and then it beeps that you’re doing it wrong.
But in this story, someone just wanted to use cash.
The cashier wasn’t paying close enough attention, and when the customer decided to comply, he also got the last laugh!
Let’s check out his tale…
“Just tap there”
“Just tap there,” said the cashier as they ignored me and the cash in my outstretched hand and pointed to the credit card machine.
After a few seconds of being told, repeatedly, “Over there, papi,” I took them up on their word.
He let his money do the talking.
I slapped the money against the card reader and said, loud enough for everyone around me to hear: “Hey, this machine isn’t working; maybe if I try sliding it through….nope, still not working. Maybe you can do better.”
The other customers had witnessed how rudely I was being treated.
They burst out laughing when the cashier finally looked at me and grabbed the money out of my hand.
A few more cash paying customers imitated me, laughing at that cashier’s increasing upset.
This OP wants credit for his cash-only antics.
What do the comments on Reddit say?
One person says cashiers can be condescending.
Another says, she was lookin’ kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb… tapping on her forehead.
Someone else calls tall tale.
Another user says, you’re old. Wait, I’m old!
This person says, why didn’t you pay the money and run?
Cash might not always be king, but this was a definite checkmate.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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